Hello World! Welcome Friends! Your home needs to be a safe, comfortable, and relaxing place to live in. But an invisible problem can disrupt your ultimate retreat — it’s your indoor air pollution.
Indoor pollution, today, features as a major problem, with environmental agencies classifying it among the top five environmental hazards. Pollutants, including cooking smoke, pet dander, mold, and chemical odors affect your home’s air quality, hurting your family’s health.
If your family members experience symptoms such as frequent allergies, colds, and respiratory issues, the air quality of your home is to be blamed. That said, here are some of the ways by which you can improve the air quality of your home.
Review the Aero-Sealing
Thoroughly sealing the ducts in your home will prevent toxic effects. Leakages in ducts allow pollen, dirt, dust, and harmful elements to flow into your home, polluting the air quality. Homeowners not only have to pay a heavy price in terms of energy wastage because of duct leakages, but leaking ducts also has deadly effects on health.
Take into Account Advanced Filtration
Choose an indoor air purifier, which kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and germs, allowing you to take better breaths for a healthier life. Also, an advanced air purification unit arrests pet dander, pollen, and other polluting substances that contaminate the air.
Clean the Ducts Regularly
Cleaning the ducts is just as important as preventing duct leakages through air-sealing. Ducts that have never been cleaned are likely to be filled with contaminants, which are blown back to the air that you breathe. To ensure that you are breathing clean air, get your ducts cleaned by a specialist.
Consider Installing a Carbon Monoxide Detector
We all know that carbon monoxide can be deadly. It has no color or smell, so you cannot find out whether the hazardous element is polluting the air that you are breathing. That’s why carbon monoxide alarms are vital for all homes. Consider installing a carbon monoxide detector, which is fitted with high-grade sensor technology for recording the level of carbon monoxide. A top-quality detector will ensure that carbon monoxide is not poisoning your home.
ActronAir Can Help
Visit ActronAir to speak to a qualified professional and learn how ActronAir can improve your home environment. The ‘proudly Australian’ company, offers a variety of air cleaning services and maintenance programs, designed to make your home safe and healthy for your family
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Great post! I really like your tips about regularly cleaning the duct system. This is probably a well forgotten chore, but it is so important for our health and safety. I also always use my true HEPA air purifier to keep my air a clean as possible (of course that requires regular filter changes and maintenance, too!)
Seem like great solutions! Thanks!
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