Hello World! Welcome Friends! Are you thinking about building a granny flat? These seven pointers should get you going in the right direction.
1. Acting As A Bridge Before Necessary Care
It is not always possible for an elderly person to avoid the prospect of going into a care home, however, building a granny annex can provide a practical bridge that allows for a measure of independence but also facilitates care.
2. Exempt From Council Tax
The NFB (National Federation of Builders) confirms that when an annex is occupied by a member of the family who is either elderly or disabled then there is a complete exemption from council tax.
3. Bill Sharing
The way that the granny annex is built, as well as personal preference, will determine how bills are paid, however, it is possible to share bills between the family home and granny flat which can save money for everyone (of course, if the elderly person has heating on all day long this may not happen).
4. Do It Before It’s Needed
Moving house is a big cause of stress for anyone, however, for an elderly person, this is especially the case. By deciding to build a granny flat before the elderly relative is in a dire need of it can mean that they are reasonably mobile and in a better place for the move. Viewing the building project as an investment for the future can be helpful.
5. The Choice Of Builders Is Crucial
New building projects can be stressful for everyone, so take your time and choose your builders carefully. The NFB’s Find a Builder (builders.org.uk/find-a-builder) can be a great aid in finding reliable builders and gives assurance that the choice is one that has already been vetted and comes with good references.
6. Plan In Advance For Further Needs
Don’t just think about the needs of your elderly relative at the time, but also envision their needs in the future. For instance, a two-story annex may need to have a bedroom and toilet on the ground floor in case there is a mobility issue in the future. As well as that, decking their new home out with necessary equipment like a Medical cabinet can ensure a smoother transition.
7. Keep Those Communication Lines Open
Keep all discussions with the builder open and detailed, this is crucial in ensuring that the budget, the time frame, and the needs and desires of the elderly relative are all catered for. Those open communication lines also apply to discussions with the elderly relative, for instance about how bills will be paid and even daily issues such as whether everyone will eat together, whether there is an expectation to knock before entering, and so forth.
8. Obtain Legal Advice
Always get legal advice so that you don’t meet with any nasty surprises if, for instance, one of the family members wants to sell in the future.
9. Plan For What Will Happen If There Are Relationship Issues
It’s a good idea to talk to a solicitor about what happens in the event of relationship breakdowns, for instance, one of the homeowners could demand their share if divorce happened. In such a case there needs to be a plan for the granny flat occupant.
If you are considering building a granny flat visit this page to learn more.
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