Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides workers hurt on the job
with wage replacement, medical benefits, and sometimes additional compensation. It is only paid when an employee is injured in the course of employment. In order to claim workers’ compensation, an employee must sign a document relinquishing their right to sue their employer for negligence.
As with all compensation cases, workers’ compensation claims can be long, drawn-out, and very complex. This means that you need to prepare and plan ahead.
This article will explain a few things that you need to know before filing a workers’ compensation claim so that you can plan ahead effectively:
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Before you apply for worker’s compensation for back injuries, you need to research what benefits you will be entitled to. It’s crucial to research the benefits beforehand so that you can make a decision as to whether you will sue or continue with your workers’ comp claim. Workers’ compensation benefits could include:
- Temporary disability benefits, which are paid while you are off work and recovering from your injury.
- Permanent disability benefits, which pay compensation for injuries and disabilities that will affect you for the rest of your life.
- Medical treatment benefits cover all reasonable and necessary care for your injuries.
- Travel benefits are paid to cover you for journeys to and from your doctor’s surgery and workers’ comp meetings with your lawyer.
- Rehabilitation and training benefits are paid to help you find another job and to retrain you so that you can work again.
Report Your Injury
It is crucial to report your injury as soon as it occurs. The sooner you report it, the faster it can be documented and officially recorded. Proper documentation is essential for the success of your case. Without a clear record of when and how the injury happened, insurance companies may dismiss your claim without consideration. If you encounter challenges in filing your claim or facing employer push back, an employment lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. For instance, if you’re in Minnesota, a Minnesota Employment Lawyer can provide expert guidance, help you navigate workers’ compensation claims, and advocate for your rights in disputes with your employer.
Get Medical Help
In addition to reporting your injury, you need to get medical help [if necessary]. Medical help not only bolsters your case and reinforces the severity of your injuries, but it will help you to treat your injuries and relax. If you don’t need any medical assistance, then the chances are that you don’t need workers’ compensation. Don’t waste any time getting help, for the same reasons that you need to report your injury quickly.
Hire an Attorney
After you have reported your injuries and sought medical help, you need to contact an attorney. An attorney can tell you how to file a workers’ compensation claim in Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, or any state, district, or city for that matter. Attorneys have expertise in handling and managing workers’ compensation cases, which makes them a valuable asset. If you aren’t a trained legal professional then don’t think twice about representing yourself. People who represent themselves often ruin their cases and damage their chances of acquiring compensation.
Medical Examinations
You need to be prepared for independent medical examinations. Insurance companies will want to ascertain the extent of your injuries and confirm that they are as severe as you claim them to be. These medical examinations can be very uncomfortable. The doctors who handle them are notorious for trying to find holes in peoples’ stories and will ask very pointed and seemingly irrelevant questions. These questions, however, will influence the outcome of your claim. It may be worthwhile bringing your lawyer along to your medical examination so that they can supervise and record your encounter.
Private Investigators
If you are claiming a lot of workers’ compensation, then you need to accept the fact that the insurance company you are dealing with will dispatch private investigators to follow and investigate you. It’s very important that you never exaggerate the extent of your injuries for this reason. If you do, they will find out. Sometimes, insurance companies pay private investigators to follow people long after they have paid compensation to them so that they can take them to court and sue them for fraud. If you suspect that a private investigator is following you, speak to your attorney.
Preserve Any Evidence
If you have any evidence that backs your case up, preserve it and present it to your attorney. Evidence of your injury will help to ensure you receive compensation. Your employer and their insurance company will try to downplay your injuries if you don’t have any concrete evidence. In addition, try to present witnesses.
Workers’ compensation claims can be very confusing, especially for people who aren’t familiar with the law. Thankfully, attorneys are there to help. If you think that you may be entitled to workers’ compensation, then contact an attorney and discuss your case with them.
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