4th place for most views went to pretty Marci who shared a book review on “Daughters of the Samurai”. This book sounds so incredibly interesting. To get the synopsis, meander on over to Stone Cottage Adventures.
Oh, my, goodness! If you missed this post from pretty Mary, you will want to stop by for a visit tonight! Visit The Boondocks Blog to take a tour of this gorgeous old farmhouse of her dear friend!
Pretty Carol has some wonderful tips for organizing and corralling all of our stuff using trays, containers, and baskets. Head to The Red Painted Cottage to get all of the organizing tips.
Pretty Katie is really on the ball with these super cute and sweet Valentine’s Day Teacher Gifts. To check out the contents, pop on over to Fun Home Things.
You sweet, little lovelies will be on my Sunday Showcase Pinterest board; pinned from your site of course. In addition, you will be on my Facebook page and Hometalk page with credit given to you with a link back to your blog! I’m a couple of months behind in doing these postings; but once you see me pinning from your site that will let you know that I’ve posted your feature on Facebook and Hometalk.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
Sponsor Love at The Dedicated House
Android App for The Dedicated House
Renovated Kitchen at The Dedicated House
Thanks for stopping by! Have a fabulous evening! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Amazing featured guests in your Sunday showcase from Make It Pretty Monday, dear friend!!!
Looking forward to more inspirational posts!!!
Thank you, sweet Pat for stopping by! Always lovely to see you! Happy week to you. Toodles, Kathryn
Thank you sweet Kathryn for the feaure of my friends farmhouse! We are both thrilled. Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow.
Mary, her place is amazing!! All of that beautiful wood…goodness! Thank you for sharing! Toodles, Kathryn
Oh, wow! Thank you for the feature! This book tells the story of some very remarkable women! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
I just posted at "shout out" for your party! Thanks again for the feature! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Thank you so much for the wonderful feature, Kathryn. I'm very honored and I hope you have a really great week!
Wonderful features this week!
Looking forward to the new party.
Wonderful features this week!
Looking forward to the new party.
Lovely features this week, Kathryn. I've visited each one and was charmed by Katie's teacher's gift, encouraged by Carol's organizing tips, intrigued by Marci's book recommendation and bowled over by Mary's gorgeous photos of her friend's home. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey http://www.irisabbey.com
I just love mason jar gift ideas! Sheila