Have you made a resolution to get more organized? If so, you will want to pop on over to Making it in the Mountains and check out the organized interior of pretty Kristi’s desk!
Pretty Priscilla is showing off her winter chalkboard artwork; and it is so darling! To see more of this pretty, stop by Priscilla’s.
Do you need some ideas for winter decor? Pretty Michelle at Our Crafty Mom shared her winter coffee table which might give you an idea or two about restyling yours.
I adore these lovely flower containers that pretty Janet created for party favors or welcoming gifts. Stop by Rosemary & Thyme to get the tutorial.
You sweet, little lovelies will be on my Sunday Showcase Pinterest board; pinned from your site of course. In addition, you will be on my Facebook page and Hometalk page with credit given to you with a link back to your blog! I’m a couple of months behind in doing these postings; but once you see me pinning from your site that will let you know that I’ve posted your feature on Facebook and Hometalk.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
Sponsor Love at The Dedicated House
Android App for The Dedicated House
Renovated Kitchen at The Dedicated House
Have a lovely evening! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Such wonderful features, Kathryn! It's no wonder I sit in this chair too long every day….there are just so many creative people out there!
Thanks so much for the feature Kathryn!
Beautiful features Kathryn!
Have a happy week.
Amazing featured guests, dear friend!!!
Thank you, sweet Pat for popping in for a look! Have a happy rest of the week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse