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Do you find it hard to sleep? There are lots of reasons why a person has troubles when it comes to sleeping and taking a rest. Some of these reasons are because of an unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, and bad environment. But most of the time, it’s merely because of your bedroom.
The Bedroom
While it doesn’t look like it, the bedroom you sleep in is a significant factor in whether you’re getting an uninterrupted sleep or not. It might be because of your lights, the color of your walls, softness of the mattress, or even the lack of plastic beads for weighted blankets. You read that right; those simple things can significantly affect your sleeping habits!
Why You Find It Hard To Sleep
If you can’t have a good night’s sleep, you should evaluate the elements in your bedroom. Keep in mind that the ambiance of a bedroom must feel comfortable, homey, secure, and relaxing. If you sense that something is missing, it might be a sign that you should change some elements in your room.
Wrong Color Choice
For example, your walls may be too bright. Having loud colors, such as neon shades can be too much for a bedroom. Some bright colors tend to affect the room’s overall lighting or appearance. If you have a bright-colored place, it may not look dark enough when night time comes.
Mattress Matters
The quality of your mattress is an essential part of your sleep. You may encounter back pains or discomfort when using the wrong type of bed. Instead of purchasing affordable mattresses, you must have a mindset that buying one is an investment. Since you’ll be using your mattress for a long time, ensure that you buy a high-quality memory foam type or a sturdy yet comfortable kind. Truthfully, it all comes down to your liking.
Lack Of Pressure
Another possible factor why you can’t sleep is the lack of pressure. The right amount of weight can lull you into sleep while having no support or influence makes you less sleepy. If you notice, hugs and cuddles can make someone feel safe and relaxed. You can relate this situation to your sleeping habits. A correct amount of pressure can help you relax, feel comfortable, and slowly bring you to sleep. The exceptional thing is, it doesn’t have to be a person!
To experience the same feeling when you receive hugs, you can use a weighted blanket. The plastic beads for weighted blankets serve as, well, a weight that helps you sleep faster. It’s called therapy for a reason. Using a thin sheet will not give you the same satisfaction that you get from a deep pressure therapy using plastic beads for weighted blankets. It’s mainly because a thin one does not bear enough weight.
Using The Wrong Lights
There’s an appropriate lighting fixture for every part of the house. For instance, a bright bulb looks best in your living room, but when you put it in your bedroom, it only causes a nuisance. For bedrooms, it’s better to use soft lights or dim lights. By doing so, you will not stress your eyes during the night. Using a dull kind of lighting will help in providing a calm aura on your bedroom and can positively improve your sleeping habits.
How To Sleep Better At Night
Aside from the examples given above, we also provided some essential tips that can help improve your bedroom. With these suggestions, you will be able to create a sleep-friendly bedroom.
1. Choose The Right Mattress
Replacing an aged mattress is an important starting point. Include weight and shape for your body, favored sleeping positions, and all physical illnesses, such as back pain, throat pain or allergies, when shopping for a fresh mattress. However, it is overwhelming to choose a mattress between different combinations of products, dimensions, and convenience concentrations. You should also buy a therapy blanket that goes well with your mattress. Combining these two will help you sleep better and longer.
2. Use A Weighted Blanket
After purchasing a mattress, pair it with the correct deep pressure blanket to support your body, and get better sleep. Adding a weighted blanket to your bed also protects you against mildew, mites, bed bugs, mold, and various allergens, especially for persons suffering from allergies or respiratory issues.
3. Check The Temperature
As you begin to doze off, the temperature of your body starts to decline in sleep preparation. A small reduction in body temperature enables sound sleep, which means that space stays cool during the evening comfortably. As pleasant as it seems, not only will a warm bath or shower soothe the body before bedtime, but its temperature will also be lowered.
4. A Quiet Sleeping Area
Noise is another diversion that can stop sleep dropping or worse, causing someone to wake up suddenly in the center of the night already sleeping. If noise sources, such as unexpected neighbors or neighboring heavy traffic, are beyond your reach, think about preventing it using a sound device that releases relaxing sounds. You can use sounds such as a soft rain shower, surf, or a softening wind sweeping through the forests. Relaxing music with a shutdown timeout from the CD player or comparable tool can also overcome unpleasant sounds. Consider using earplugs as a last resort.
5. Darkness Can Bring You Good
Overall darkness is the most excellent way to sleep a long and relaxing night. Even the light coming from a full moon can catch you awake. Light exposure suppresses body melatonin manufacturing, a naturally occurring material that controls the inner clock for the process of sleep and rebirth. There may be too little melatonin to disturb or even stop your rest. Always shut off nightlights and lights before you go to bed. If you remain awake from a light source outside the room, consider substituting blinds or drapes with blackout cabinets.
Final Words
Before looking for reasons outside your room, check the interior first. The problem may be coming from your bedroom and not other things. It’s crucial to check every element in your bedroom and how they affect your sleeping habits. If you see anything that harms your sleep, take action, and replace it with a better one.
Author Bio : Darshan Shah is a young serial entrepreneur, digital marketer and blogger. He’s enthusiastic about creating blogs and writes creative content for the readers. He’s found of https://thewebreach.com/. He loves to help people to grow their business worldwide through his digital marketing knowledge.
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i have had issues with getting to sleep. Yes, the blackout blinds or shades work wonders. If any light comes in it seems to keep me somewhat awake. Have not tried a weighted blanket , but i would be open giving it a go.