Hello World! Welcome Friends! I hope you’re weekend has been going well. Ours was busy as usual with the normal things we do around the house and yard, but yesterday we had a break in the schedule in order to take Little Dedicated to her piano competition. She was a little nervous, but did very well! I think I was more nervous than she was! Typical mom reaction. We are very pleased with the growth in her ability she has achieved on the piano and the direction she is heading! She practices hard and works on watching her attitude…something which as a parent I’m glad to see she wants to improve. Attitude is so important. It often sets the tone for whatever task or event you want or need to undertake. So, without further delay, let’s get to the top 4 views from last week’s Make it Pretty Monday party!
Welcome to:
4th Place for Most Views
Sherri from To Simply Inspire has been on a fitness journey and shares helpful tips as to why we may not be achieving our weight loss and fitness goals. Be sure to stop by for a visit and to pick up some excellent advice to help you achieve your fitness goals.
3rd Place for Most Views
In the 3rd spot is Courtney’s Cookbook where you can pick up dessert and drink pairings. This is perfect for those of us who love to host and perfect for those who love to consume!
2nd Place for Most Views
Before March leaves us, run over to get this darling printable from An Extraordinary Day. Love this!
1st Place for Most Views
All of you ran over to Fabby’s Living to celebrate the marriage of her beautiful daughter. And, of course, in Fabby fashion she set two gorgeous tables to entertain once they were home from their travels.
If you were featured, please grab a feature button below:
You sweet, little lovelies will be on my Sunday Showcase Pinterest board; pinned from your site of course. In addition, you will be on my Facebook page and Hometalk page with credit given to you with a link back to your blog! I’m a couple of months behind in doing these postings; but once you see me pinning from your site that will let you know that I’ve posted your feature on Facebook and Hometalk.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
Things to Think of Before Adding Onto a Home
Repair or Replace your Washing Machine?
How Playing with Layering can Make your Living Room Pop
Smart eCommerce Coupon Strategies
Thank you for stopping by for a little visit! I hope you enjoyed The Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party! See you tomorrow morning for Make it Pretty Monday! Have a lovely day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Thank you so much for including my post, Reasons You May Not Be Reaching Your Weight Loss Goals, in the Showcase this week. Hope you are having a fabulous weekend.
You are so welcome! Have a great week!
Oh my dear friend, thank you so much for the great feature with my daughter and Sergio. You’ve made me so happy, I am very honored, you are such a generous hostess.
Big hugs,