Hello World! Welcome Friends! I’m so glad to have the Sunday Showcase back! Let’s take a look at the amazing top 4 views from the last Make it Pretty party.
Welcome to:
4th Place for Most Views
Belle Bleu Interiors shared her new, beautiful wood floors in her Master Bedroom. So gorgeous!
3rd Place for Most Views
The plans for the dining room at Pender and Peony are perfection. Be sure to stop by to check out the progress she has made.
2nd Place for Most Views
In the 2nd spot we have more dining room inspiration from Comfort Spring. Be sure to stop by for a little visit.
1st Place for Most Views
Waltzing away in the top spot is the gorgeous Master Bedroom at Rosemary & Thyme! Be sure to stop by to have a look around.
If you were featured, please grab a feature button below:
You sweet, little lovelies will be on my Sunday Showcase Pinterest board; pinned from your site of course. In addition, you will be on my Facebook page and Hometalk page with credit given to you with a link back to your blog! I’m a couple of months behind in doing these postings; but once you see me pinning from your site that will let you know that I’ve posted your feature on Facebook and Hometalk.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
Thank you for stopping by for a little visit! I hope you enjoyed The Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party! Have a lovely day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Thank you for featuring my post, Making A Dining Room More Beautiful With Texture. Your features are always so beautiful.