Hello World! How has your weekend been? Boy, it is hot, hot, hot here. But, I’m not going to wish that Summer was over…not, just yet. Give me another week or two. LOL. Alright, let’s check out the top 4 views from last week’s Make it Pretty Monday party!
Welcome to:
4th Place for Most Views
Calypso in the Country shared her garden blooms. Just look at this gorgeous lavender. Stop by to see all of her pretties.
3rd Place for Most Views
Pop on over to see the Summer refresh at While I Linger. So many pretty details.
2nd Place for Most Views
A Junk Chick Life gave us a tour of her gorgeous antique shop. It is filled with a ton of her lovely work.
1st Place for Most Views
In the top spot is this amazing Peanut Butter Cup Earthquake Cake from Lambert’s Lately! Oh, goodness! This sounds amazing!
If you were featured, please grab a feature button below:
You sweet, little lovelies will be on my Sunday Showcase Pinterest board; pinned from your site of course. In addition, you will be on my Facebook page and Hometalk page with credit given to you with a link back to your blog! I’m a couple of months behind in doing these postings; but once you see me pinning from your site that will let you know that I’ve posted your feature on Facebook and Hometalk.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
In the Kitchen: Broccoli Chicken Zucchini Boats
Thank you for stopping by for a little visit! I hope you enjoyed The Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party! Have a lovely evening! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Broccoli Chicken Zuchini Boats? Yum! Great features Kathryn.
Thanks Patti! They are super delish!
Thanks so much for the feature! A huge honor especially when you consider I don’t exactly have a “green thumb”! I think I just got lucky with my plants this year! Enjoy your week!
You are so welcome! Thanks for always joining in my party!