Hello World! Welcome Friends! Your hot-water heater seems to stand like a sentry at its post as it diligently offers warm baths and hot, dish-washing water to the entire household. This appliance remains silent for the most part. It takes a caring homeowner to understand that it requires some maintenance as the years go by. Encourage the hot-water heater to last at least a decade by following these maintenance tips.
Check Connections
Your hot-water heater has several connections into your plumbing lines. Start out your maintenance plan by wearing gloves, safety glasses and protective clothing. You want to be as safe as possible as you access the hot water. Take a look at the lines connecting to the tank. There should be no leaks or stains. Active leaks require some analysis, including a call to a local plumber. Many connections have compression fittings that can be tightened as opposed to soldered sections that require a professional’s touch.
Examine the Pressure Valve
On the side of every tank is a large, pressure valve. It must properly function so that the hot-water heater doesn’t over-pressurize. For this inspection, shut off the incoming water to the tank. Turn off the gas or electricity supplying it as well. Place a bucket under the valve so that any water will be caught.
Carefully release the pressure on the valve to verify that it’s working well. A hissing sound is what you’re looking for. You’ll need a new valve if no pressure or sound emanates from the tank.
Drain it Out
A maintenance step that’s often overlooked is draining the tank. Keep the gas or electricity off with the water valve tightly closed. Attach a garden hose to the tank’s spigot. Lay the hose in an outdoor drain so that the water flows away from the structure. Release the water, and allow it to completely drain from the tank.
Once the tank is empty, you have a chance to look inside of it. Examine the heating rods hanging within the tank. If any damage is seen here, replacing them is possible without the water being an obstacle.
Look for Rust
One item to specifically look for is rust. Although your tank is built to withstand many years of water exposure, it will break down over time. Rust is the main culprit that will eventually eat away at the metal walls. If any rust develops within the tank or on its exterior, the hot-water heater is approaching its last days.
Know When It’s Time for Replacements
Rust accumulation, dents and leaks should tell you that a new tank is necessary. Procrastinating at this point will only create a major problem in the future. The tank will crack open at some point unless it’s replaced beforehand. You’ll receive a warranty for the new tank, which saves you money in the next few years.
It never hurts to have a plumber Dallas TX over to your home. Ask the professional to look over your main lines, including the hot-water heater. Their expertise may offer a better glimpse at your heater’s stability in the household. Avoiding any catastrophic leaks at the heater is the ultimate goal. Take the professional’s suggestions to heart as you maintain your entire household’s plumbing systems. Taking care of minor problems now will improve your property’s value.
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wow this is a good post really , you have shared here
some good useful tips which is really helpful
thanks for sharing it with us
If you’re looking for new or replacement air conditioners, be sure to ask the technician what brands or manufacturers they carry.
Great maintenance tips for a water heater you have here!
Thank you for sharing. This is very helpful. Definitely checking for some rust, this could be the time to have ours replaced.
Thanks for mentioning the tips. One can use it for the best tankless water heaters at home.
Your maintenance tips are really so much helpful. It will help me a lot. Thanks for sharing your valuable information and keep it up your great work.
Thank you for sharing these useful tips!
Amazing tips to mainting water heater. such a great post. Thanks a lot.