Hello World! Welcome Friends! For several years you have been operating your business from home, but now you are wondering if it’s time to find a suitable location outside the home. Actually, you may have been toying with the idea for some time now and aren’t quite sure how best to approach the idea. Is it really time to grow beyond your home office? Here are some thoughts and tips on expanding beyond those 4 walls you’ve been working in.
Do You Often Meet with Clients or Employees?
This is one of the main reasons why so many successful home-based businesses decide to move outside the home. If you find that you are often meeting with clients or employees and it’s growing uncomfortable traipsing people in and out of your home, it’s probably time to consider setting up shop in a corporate location. You need to be prepared to upgrade your business communications equipment, as you’re likely to have more customers and more people trying to get in touch. A business phone is highly recommended, as not only does this seem more professional, it allows you to draw a defined line between work and home life, whilst still keeping in contact with clients during the day to schedule appointments and meetings.
Finding a Suitable Location
Here’s another concern for many businesses looking to expand. Do you want to rent space in an office building or do you need an entire building to manufacture goods you were doing on a smaller scale at home? You’d be surprised just how many global companies began in a home garage and are now operating from corporate headquarters. Obviously, Microsoft and Bill Gates come readily to mind, but you now understand why you may need to build premises suitable to your industry. Why not talk to leading Midwestern general contractors such as those at Corporate Contractors, Inc. (CCI)? It is wise to remember that your business will be that proverbial book judged by its cover. That would be your premises.
Step Up Your Game with Better Presentation
When Financing Is an Issue
Financing your business expansion may take some effort. Although you are growing steadily and are on secure financial footing at your current level, you may not have the resources to finance new construction and expansion. This is where a sound business plan comes into play. Gather all your financial records from the moment you began operating at home so that you can substantiate growth over the elapsed time. You may need help writing a business plan, but a business advisor can help you there. The object of your plan is to show how you intend to grow and the profits you are aiming for. This will be crucial if you need financing for your planned expansion.
Never Say Never
Finally, it is important to take an honest look at what you have accomplished to date. Not only did you launch a home-based business, but you’ve grown beyond what you can manage on such a small scale. There may have been doubts when you originally thought to leave the corporate world to open your own company, but look how you’ve grown! If you are at the point where you simply are not comfortable with the amount of traffic going through your home and you simply don’t have the room to get things done, then it really is time to expand. Remember those initial doubts to give you something positive to focus on. Stay focused and positive and you’ll get it done. Never say never, because you’ve already shown it can be done!
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Great tips, thanks!