Hello World! Welcome Friends! Insomnia has become an increasingly popular health problem caused by a lack of proper sleep. Thus, people are looking for traditional sleep medications that can help them cure insomnia and revive their physical and mental health conditions. This is where acupuncture, one of the oldest medical practices globally, is introduced. It can treat a variety of health issues naturally and effectively.
Process How Acupuncture Treats Insomnia
With regular acupuncture treatment, people have reported significant changes in their insomnia condition. A few sessions have improved sleep quality, reduced walking in the night, decreased anxiety, relief from pain, and enhanced total sleep time. Usually, people who have sleeping issues suffer from depression, any kind of chronic pain, or even menopause. For those experiencing insomnia due to menopause, acupuncture can be an effective solution, but combining it with additional Tips for Improving Sleep During Menopause can further improve your sleep experience. With this therapy, these individuals can get a natural way of curing the problem without intake of any long-term medication.
What is the Typical Acupuncture Session for Insomnia?
When you visit an acupuncture Portland Oregon clinic to treat insomnia, they ask you to lie on a comfortable table and insert sterilized needles in different body sections. These are left for 10 to 15 minutes and usually varies from person to person based on their sleeping pattern. Some people might get a cure within 3-4 sessions, while others might need a few more. Through the needles, the body’s energy flow, Qi, is activated, which helps to remove the blockage, disruption, or any imbalanced flow in energy of the patient to treat insomnia.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Yes, acupuncture is safe, and no significant complications have been reported. The session should be taken from a professional clinic using sterilized needles to avoid infections, skin irritation, or disease transmission. Also, have the expertise to deal with pain or reduce the side effects of this treatment. People with pacemakers or who are pregnant should avoid acupuncture.
Additional Treatment Combined with Acupuncture for Treating Insomnia
If you want to go for a drug-free treatment for insomnia, then acupuncture is a safe way. You can also combine it with other treatment processes for quick and more beneficial results.
- You can reduce insomnia symptoms and improve your sleeping by changing your lifestyle.
- Homoeopathic treatment such as melatonin, yoga, or aromatherapy provides incredible results when combined with this treatment.
- You can also consult with a specialist who can guide you on cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia and sleep medications along with acupuncture.
Tips for Better Sleep
If you want to maintain a healthy habit and reduce the symptoms of insomnia, then you must keep a consistent sleep schedule. Even on weekends, you must not break the sleeping rules. The bedroom environment should be optimally lit and for better sleep. You can also get up early every morning and get 30 minutes of natural light. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm and avoid alcohol at least 4 hours before going to bed.
Final Words
Acupuncture is a traditional practice and is popular due to its noninvasive treatment. You do not have to take any kind of drug, and the needle insertion can simply generate a tingling or warm sensation, which is bearable. The sessions can vary from one individual to another and can be carried on for 1 to 2 months, based on their requirements.
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[…] Overcome Insomnia with Acupuncture – Enjoy Eight Hours of Sleep Without Any Disturbance! […]