Hello World! Welcome Friends! Home décor is not for everybody, and sometimes it can be such a hassle when you decide it’s time to update your household. When it comes to changing specific rooms in your house, redecorating tends to be a way too expensive and time consuming option, but, how can you modernize your home without doing so?
Well, many would be surprised at how easily certain lighting tips and tricks can affect the look of the room you are trying to change. Using lighting to alter the vibe of a room is a classic, but often overlooked money saving tactic for redecorators who find themselves strapped for cash, or are just reluctant to put a lot of effort into revamping. So, how can you implement this into your own home?
Cozy Lighting
One of the best ways to change the look of your room is to try and opt for a different brightness and tone of light. Often, this is most useful for rooms that are furnished quite minimally and are kept very tidy; these types of rooms can come across as harsh, and so more dim, orangy lights can work wonders softening those edges and creating a cozy vibe.
The light fitting itself can also contribute to this effect, depending on the shape, size, and color of the design. In this range of ceiling lights from Pagazzi, you can find some examples of ceiling lights that have a stain glass window look to them – these are perfect when creating a cozy vibe as they can turn quite harsh light into warm wholesome colors. A cheaper option would be to buy a colored ceiling light shade that can imitate this softer colored light quite easily.
Colored lights
This option is particularly popular when it comes to making kids’ bedrooms more fun and appealing. Whether you go all out and invest in a fully colored light fixture, or just buy colorful ceiling lights shade, or fairy lights, the addition of colorful lights to your child or teen’s bedroom will create a more relaxing and cool environment for them.
Depending on what vibe your child wants, you might want to consider a few different options of lighting. More than likely, if you are creating a room for a teenager they will not want you to make the room look over the top with excessively bright and colorful lights. The best decision in this situation is to buy some simple silver/gold fairy lights, which are easy to hang around the room. This can give a bit more of a mature vibe to the room while still looking fashionable.
Minimalistic style
Finally, a lot of people currently love a more modern look to their rooms. This means quite a minimalistic, often monochromatic vibe with maybe a feature color here or there. Styles like this can be easily created through the use of simplistic but bright lights, for example one of the go to ideas is to get spotlights fitted. They are very small basic lights and therefore add to the modern style.
Spotlights have another very important benefit, as they are able to draw attention to specific areas of your room with very bright but directed light. In clusters, they provide a bright even light, but they can sometimes be used to highlight the rooms features, maintaining the minimalistic vibe without letting the room look bland or empty.
Another approach to this style would be to create quite bright but scattered light across the room using a feature chandelier. This mix of very modern style combined with an old-fashioned chandelier is, for some, quite fashionable, and creates a sophisticated vibe to the room.
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