Hello World! Welcome Friends! Before we jump into all things Fall, I wanted to share my Late Summer Porch and Front Garden with you. In addition, I have an update on the five gardenia bushes that I thought were lost to the last freeze we had.
As you can see, the front porch is quite petite, so I must be mindful to not fill it up with too many items. Also, the HOA in our neighborhood has a rule that homeowners are not allowed more than four planter containers on the porch and in the front garden. I wish they would allow more, because it would be great to use container plants and flowers to fill in the gaps in the landscaping.
So, I have two on the front porch with some Summer flowers still blooming away. When we officially transition to Fall, I plan on replacing those with more traditional Fall flowers to bring out the rich warm tones of my Fall wreath that will make an appearance in September.
I purchased the doormat from Frontgate this year. The rubber edging is fantastic. It will keep the rug from separating with wear and tear. The wreath I have had for a couple of seasons now. I’m not sure where I purchased it…maybe Grandinroad.
Just inside the porch, we hung this sweet plaque with our wedding date.
I took this picture so you can see the new plantings we put in the sliver of a flower bed. We dug out everything from this bed and replaced the water drainage tube from the gutter. And, surprise, there was a snake living in the tube!! Greg managed to get the snake moved down towards the waterway that is behind our house without too much trauma to the snake. I on the other hand, was not happy to see a snake in our front garden!
Okay, back to the garden. At the very tip of the little garden, we planted a boxwood that I will shape round once it gets a little bigger. We also planted a few foxtail ferns. I love the bright green color of these! They add so much interest and variety to our little cottage garden.
Previous Spring Front Garden
The pictures below are from a pervious Spring. To the right, there were tall grasses that had been here since the house was built. It is not good to have grass next to the foundation, plus there were weeds that we were constantly pulling out. So, we decided to dig everything out completely in that little bed.
Also, in this picture, you can see four of the gardenia bushes that were very pretty and extremely fragrant when blooming. Alas, they don’t quite look like that today.
In the picture below, you can see the grasses in that little section to the left of the garages.
Late Summer Front Garden
Below, are the plants that replaced the grasses. I prefer this much better than having to give the grass a trim every month and battling the weeds that were growing within the grass. I spy some little weeds working their way by the brick. Nature always finds a way!
In the picture below, you will notice that we had some of our garage door panels replaced and both doors painted to match the trim and the gutter system. We also gave the carriage hardware a fresh coat of black paint. In the far let flower bed, you can see the gardenia bushes coming back! They are tiny, but I am so happy they survived the last freeze. We also added planters to the top of the wing wall.
I love our little stone wall and brick lined walkway! It’s so perfectly cottage. We do need to give the stone and brick a good cleaning and condition them. But, it has been too hot to do any of that. I plan on getting this done early next Spring.
I’m waiting until the Gardenias get back to their proper size before I plant anything else. They will fill the space nicely, but will leave just enough room by the stone to plant a row of seasonal flowers.
There are three Azalea bushes just under the window. They were so pretty when they bloomed, but I missed getting pictures of them. I need to deadhead them and feed them so they will transition into Fall well.
I love details on the planters! So pretty. Once the Fall flowers are out, I want to add a few to the planters to give it a pop of gold.
I hope you enjoyed the little tour of our Late Summer Porch and Front Garden. I really hope this Winter is a little kinder, but I have a feeling that we are in for a really cold one.
Currently, I’m working on sprucing up some lamps I purchased. They have a French Country design but were painted in a Farmhouse feel. So, I decided they needed a makeover. I’ll definitely share them once they are done and I have found the spot where I think they should go.
Click the links below for any posts you have missed:
How to Set Up the Ultimate DIY Workspace of Your Dreams
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6 Tips for Installing Acoustic Insulation in Your Home
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Upgrading Your Fireplace: Enhancing Efficiency and Aesthetics
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
It is so pretty. Hard to believe summer is almost over. Have a great start to the new week. Hugs. Kris
Thank you so much, Kris! There is so much to do in the garden, but alas, I need more time! LOL. Hope you have a great week!
You have a lovely porch for late Summer…it’s the perfect look as we head into early Fall. Thanks so much for sharing at Home Imagined this week!
I love your garden Kathryn. It looks great and it’s hard to believe we need to start thinking about fall. Wow, your HOA is a bit strict. Lol. But I guess it’s for a reason. Thanks so much for sharing so many details about your plantings and sharing at the Home Imagined link party. Cant’ wait to see the lamps. xo- MaryJo
Thank you so much, MaryJo! Yes, the HOA here is quite strict, but fortunately it has had a good effect on how the community looks as a whole. Hope you have a great rest of the week!
It looks lovely and you work well with the planter restrictions you have in your area.
Thank you, Julie! It’s slowly coming back to life after our last freeze.
Hi Kathryn – I love your walkway and the arched entry.! Just stunning. Your wreath is so festive and perfect for fall. Thank you for sharing this post on the Home Imagined Link Party.
So pretty and lots of love and hard work went into that garden. Love the asparagus ferns.
Thank you for sharing your links with us at #276 SSPS Linky. See you again next week.
Thank you so much for sharing your post at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 76! SSBH 77 is now open.
Crotons are perfect for fall color. Great idea to put them in the urns. Love the walkway.
I second the HOA being a little too strict there…
Good thing you’re waiting for some growth otherwise I was going to suggest maybe some ground cover to help avoid all the weeding?
Those Azalea bushes near your window must have been a sight to behold when they bloomed! While you missed snapping pictures of them, taking the time to deadhead and feed them for a smooth transition into fall is a thoughtful way to ensure they remain a delightful part of your outdoor scenery. Enjoy their beauty in every season!

Your late summer porch and front garden update is a visual treat. The way you’ve transformed your outdoor spaces is like an invitation to savor the beauty of the season. Thanks for sharing your design inspiration; it’s bound to inspire others to refresh their own spaces.
Hi there! Your Late Summer Porch and Front Garden look absolutely charming. I’m fascinated by the transformation of your garden from the previous spring to now. The boxwood and foxtail ferns add such a lovely touch. And those Azalea bushes under the window must have been a sight when they bloomed!
Amazing!!! It is very beautiful. I like it a lot. I also love the garden in front of my house. It gives me emotional joy.
Thank you so very much, Mary! Have a lovely week ahead!
Your late summer porch and front garden are absolutely stunning! The combination of colors and textures creates such a welcoming atmosphere. I’m inspired to spruce up my own outdoor space now. Beautifully done!
Thank you so much!
I appreciate the author’s description of a late summer porch and front garden, highlighting the serene ambiance. However, I find myself leaning towards a preference for the vibrant energy of an early autumn setting. The changing foliage and crisp air bring a unique charm that resonates more with my personal taste. Beauty, after all, lies in diverse perspectives.
by the way love your at your porche and at your front yard.
Anne, your Late Summer Porch and Front Garden are absolutely charming! It’s inspiring to see how you’ve transformed your outdoor space with thoughtful landscaping and decor. Your attention to detail and dedication to your home shine through beautifully.
Your Work Very Well! It looks lovely
What a beautiful and inviting porch and front garden! I love the way the owner has incorporated comfortable seating areas and lush greenery to create a cozy atmosphere. The pops of color from the flowers and decorative accents add a delightful touch, making this outdoor space perfect for relaxation and entertaining.