Hello World! Welcome Friends! Are you looking to reduce your family’s carbon footprint? Looking to save additional money on monthly expenses? Or perhaps the recent sporadic weather around the world has inspired you to make a change for the better? Whether you’re concerned with one or all of these factors, there is a lot you can do about it. There are large and small investments and lifestyle changes that you can make that will essentially reduce your carbon footprint, conserve natural resources, help the environment, and save you money – no matter what your budget is. Check out a few large and small ways to start making a change.
Swap Light Bulbs
If your house is still using incandescent lighting in lamps and other fixtures, it’s time to swap them out. Switching to more energy-efficient light bulbs like compact fluorescent lights will help to conserve energy. Such bulbs are designed to last for years and they produce a lot less heat, helping to regulate temperatures in the home.
It may seem like a simple one, but there are a lot of households that still do not properly recycle their trash. Failing to do so creates waste and pulls from natural resources that could be used for something else. Go down to city hall or the county clerk’s office to find out more about the recycling program. Inquire about getting recycling cans for easy disposal. When throwing things away, be sure to keep paper and plastic items separate from the trash.
Solar Panels
Here’s a larger step towards change and increased savings – installing solar panels. You can find some of the best solar companies in Utah and in other places across the United States to help with the installation process. Using the sun to power devices and lighting in your home saves you a ton of money on energy costs every month.
Update Appliances
The appliances in your home will eventually get old and become less efficient. Requiring more energy to operate, old appliances can drain your budget. Updating to more energy-efficient appliances on occasion is recommended. This can include getting a new refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, furnace, air conditioner, or hot water heater. More efficient models use less energy and water sources saving you tons of money on your bill.
Shorter Showers
Those long, hot, showers may feel great, but it drains your budget and increases your carbon footprint. Practice taking shorter, cooler showers (which are better for your skin by the way), and you’ll notice a reduction in your water and energy bills. If you don’t feel like timing yourself, you could always install a special showerhead with a timer. Turning down the temperature on your hot water tank will also help to cut those costs.
Wash in Cold and Line Dry
Your energy and water bills can go through the roof if you have a washer and dryer in the home and use them inefficiently. To cut the costs of this modern convenience it is recommended that you start washing your loads in cold water. They come out just as clean as it would in hot water, but it costs you a lot less. Also, on days the weather allows, you should hang your clothes up outside and let them air dry to reduce the use of the dryer.
Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Want to reduce the number of pollutants floating around in your house? Well, if you make your own cleaning products from natural ingredients, this can do the trick. Not only is it easy to make your own cleaning products, but it’s a lot safer for the environment and a lot more affordable than costly cleaners from the store.
Reuse and Refurbish
Before getting rid of something in your home, take a second glance to determine if you really need to throw it out. Sometimes, the prospect of buying something new entices you to throw out something useful. If you’re in need of new end tables for your living room, for example, sand down your existing tables and paint them and they could be good as new. Learning how to repurpose or refurbish things saves you money and reduces waste.
From choosing green services like pest control to making small changes like turning off the lights, there are hundreds of big and small ways you can start making a change at home. Going green does more than help with climate control. It eliminates the overuse of natural resources, reduces the number of pollutants in the environment, and as an added bonus, it can help you save a lot of money. It may take some time before you’ve mastered every trick there is out there, but starting slow and remaining consistent are the keys to succeeding.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed!
Ideas for Hosting a Family Reunion in the Fall
Simple Fall Mantel featuring Blue & White
5 Things to Consider when Choosing Cushion Fabric
Modern Galaxy Bedroom Makeover
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
I’m in on all of the above, except maybe that shorter shower. LOL But , this move to downsize is making us feel better about ourselves.
I couldn’t do the shorter, cooler shower. LOL! Hope all is well with your projects! Have a great rest of the week!
I like these kinds of articles. Thank you for the useful ideas.
I strongly agree about the solar panels. The technology is improving, and it’s clean and quiet. Give it some time and the average lifespan for a panel will be substantially improved upon.
Thank you Kathryn for joining our Celebrate Your Story link party and I love all your tips. I have to agree with the others about the cold short shower.
Don’t be cheap in hiring the right people to build your home. It’s your home and must be done in perfection on all angles.
I am going to attempt to make my own cleaning products from now on #happynow@_karendennis