Hello World! Welcome Friends! Happy Friday and all that jazz! I know, you’re thinking that it’s about time I post the pics of the newly painted kitchen cabinets. Be ready for a lot of pictures, starting now.

Well, before you get all worked up with excitement, let’s look at the lovely builder’s grade oak. Shall we?

Please excuse my mess.

The box on top of the bar holds lovely cans of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. Sigh.

Painted Kitchen Cabinets

That’s Berlioz the old 16 yr. old cat who wouldn’t get out of the kitchen.

Here’s a picture without the kitty.

See, I told you my house has multiple colors disorder. This bad boy will be getting a new look.

The windows are just aching for some curtains.

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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Wow, it looks great!! I love the hardware too. What a difference!
Looks great! Nothing like a little paint and new hardware to spruce the place up!
Dropping by from Met Monday. I hope you'll come see the nursery I helped DD2 create.
Thanks Allison for stopping by. I'll definitely come over for a visit.
Your kitchen looks great! I love the stripes..here is a post I wrote about my striped kitchen..http://www.theinspiredhousewife.com/2011/01/30-years-of-stripes/
Once again..welcome to the blog world
Thanks Dianne for stopping by. I'll definitely take a look at your kitchen! I'm addicted to stripes…lol.
Hi Kathryn, thanks for coming by for a visit and the sweet comment on my chalkboard! Your kitchen turned out beautifully. Our cabinets are white also, with the same drawer pulls you have, but brushed nickel. You can definitely see the splatters! About your barstools–why purchase new? Why not paint them?
Thanks Heather for popping in. Too funny about the drawer pull. That just means we both have good taste. I plan to paint the bar stools just haven't gotten around to it. But, I eventually have plans for those stools in my backyard….Fodder for another post. lol
Kathryn, great job on the paint! I always say that paint can work wonders. Thanks for stopping by & following. So glad you did.
Wow! That's an incredible transformation!
The kitchen looks fantastic! I also appreciate that it looks "lived in." I really want to paint my cabinets you just might have inspired me
Love your new cabinets! Just gorgeous!
Love the new cabinets . . . You've done a ton of work wow!!
Lots of love
Thanks Ashli for stopping by!
Hi Kathryn, It looks fantastic: brighter and bigger. You did a great job. I have the same hardware in my kitchen. And, by the way, I love that lantern. I'm your newest follower; found you via Kim.
You did a great job on those cabinets!! The white paint really makes a huge difference!! It looks beautiful!! I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog & for all your sweet comments!! I really appreciate you following along!! Welcome to the world of blogging!!
Love the new colour of your cabinets. Looks much more spacious than before. Hope you get your stainless steel appliances soon.
Your kitchen looks amazing now! Don't you just love working in such a bright space now. What a transformation!
Thanks Tonya for visiting! Glad to be in the blogging world!
Sarah, thanks for popping over. I love your blog and became your newest follower. Looks so dreamy!
Okay, I love it. So much better. Open to suggestions? I would paint the barstools white and then paint a number 1 and 2 on the seats, looks so cute. You can see lots of examples on other blogs in case you need that visual information.
I would also paint the base of the kitchen table white and leave the top and the chairs dark for some contrast. You could just put some new fabric on the chair seats and you would have an entire new look.
And what about hanging your lantern collection on the wall (like sconces) by the doorway(s) and between the windows in the dining area. They would be a neat display as well as some cool lighting with candles or battery operated candles in them for special dinners, parties, etc. In terms of your curtains I would opt for something really simple in like a tan that matches the stripe in your wallpaper. You might also consider, if budget allows either plantation shutters for your windows or some kind of matchstick blinds + a window topper.
Lynn, thanks for popping in for a visit! I'm planning to paint the stools but, eventually they are goint to be used outside…that will be another blog post probably next spring. In the meantime, I will be painting them. I've see the number thing in blogland and that's a great idea. The kitchen table will become my sewing table and be moved in the craft room. It is a true antique and in great condition so I would be hesitant to paint. Great idea about hanging the lanterns like sconces. Also, fyi, that's not wallpaper. Those are stripes I painted! Have a love for stipes…although I don't wear them. lol. Thanks for all the great ideas!
Awesome transformation! The white is perfect for your kitchen! Yes, you earned your stripes! This was quite a job! It looks great!
Wonderful makeover!! These are my cabinets also. I cannot get hubs on board to let me paint them. You picked the perfect color and the perfect hardware for them. They look great! Thanks for linking it up to HSH!
Your cabinets look absolutely wonderful!! The transformation is fantastic~ well done!! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!
I LOVE it! We desperately need to redo our kitchen cabinets, and I want to paint them white, but have been scared to tackle it. What a great inspiration. Although the oak is a heck of a lot better than what we started with- http://sunla-designs.blogspot.com/2011/07/home-downstairs-before.html
your new cabinets look wonderful…did you use the 'old white' shade of chalk paint to do them? because this looks very white, like the shade i'm wanting to do in my kitchen…thanks for linking up to fridays unfolded!
Oh my that looks so good. So much lighter and brighter too. Thanks for sharing at my newbie party. If you could just add my link that would be fabulous.
To this day I am amazed what paint can do.You definitely rocked it!!!
I absolutely love it! I think that whoever invented white paint should receive a special trophy. Especially when that individual realized it could cover over builder's oak and veneer! I'm planning on doing the same to mine here soon! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh my!! Love the white!! We have the same cabinets…ugh..want to do this sooo badly even though we are just renting..HA
Thanks for stoppin by
Fancy Frugal Life
Hi Kathryn..
wow- what a miraculous transformation. This post made me grin cause I too had builders oak and painted it white. So I know the difference it can make and how joyful it is to wake up to clean crisp and oh so pretty in the morning. Ya'll did a great job..
thanks for visiting me and leaving your link so I could find you and pay a visit.
Your new follower, Sonny 155DreamLane
What a great transformation! A coat of paint can do wonders. The hardware is pretty too. Thanks for sharing it.
Well done!!! Found you through Saved by Suzy Link Party.
If I didn't know better I'd think we planned this. LOVE it ! I do a Handmade on the site and I'm linking you !! It's every Friday, check it out !
Hi Kathryn! Thanks for coming by and leaving the sweet comment about my kitchen.
Your cabinets look great. I've always been a fan of white cabinets. Are those windows I see in the backsplash area? How cool! Great call painting the cabinets. If you don't like your barstools you could paint them white.
Hi Kathryn, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad you directed me here. Your cabinets look fantastic…builders grade oak, yuck! SO much better now and you did a great job on them. I'm just going to have to dream for now. We have 10 year old natural cherry and Mr. Country is dead set against me painting them. Maybe I'll convince him someday!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my kitchen! Don't you love white cabinets! It totally opens up and brightens your kitchen! I like the comment about the bar stools above & labeling them 1 & 2 – cute!
Good job!! xo, Reannah
I love the white! They look amazing! Thanks for stopping by and following! I’m following back =)
WOW! What a transformation. Oh you give me hope that I can do this myself one day!!!! Really, WOW. I'm bookmarking so I can remember this!!
I love transformations! I just turned my secretary into a bar area in my dining room. I really hope you'll stop by and check it out: http://niagaranovice.blogspot.com/2011/08/picture-is-worth.html
See you soon, I hope!
Hi Kathryn,
Love the changes you've made. Such an improvement. Well done! Liz
Wow, what a great transformation! It's so fresh and clean looking now. The hardware makes a big difference too! The white makes your kitchen look so big. Looks like you have tons of cabinets.
wow!! love the stripes too!! here from quilt ladies.
Oh my goodness….This looks AWESOME! Thank you for sharing!
The cabinets seriously look custom made now! Way to go!
Thanks for hoping over and the invite! The kitchen looks great and I love that table. I am a new follower!
Oh, why don't you dress those windows anyway? White or blue curtains will really work well… You can also try to use striped curtains! Match them with the wall paint to hide the windows. Hehe…
The cabinets look awesome! So much work and time consuming but the result is well worth it! I love the hardware you've chosen too! Thanks so much for sharing in the Roomspiration-Kitchens!
Many people who thought that the small kitchen cannot be designed with a maximum. In my opinion it does not get the same with my opinion. My opinion that small-sized kitchen could have been made good design. You can try, if you want to design a small kitchen that you have to find creative ideas. For example: Use the concept of a minimalist design, buy kitchen appliances in accordance with the needs of your kitchen, and a maximum of Use kitchen layout.
It looks just gorgeous! I love how you used a combination of knobs and drawer pulls. I think I'm going to have to copy that idea.
This is fabulous! LOVE what paint can do! Was just about to sign off for the night, so glad I got your e-mail!
AMAZING…great job it looks so much better!
Definatelly with the stripped blue and white all, your cabinets look awesome in white!! You guys did an amazing job, I love the new, amazing transformation in white!! Enjoy your Sunday..see you!
I didn't even notice your walls were striped in the pictures with the brown cabinets, but with the white cabinets the background just pops!! I love the new look.
The cabinets looks fantastic but the wall striping sure takes the ahh, out of the beautifully painted cabinets.
Love, love, love the white cabinets! Totally transforms the kitchen.
Hi Kathryn: What a lovely, fresh new look with your white cabinets–it truly transforms the entire space. It is a good feeling to complete a big project like that, so well done!
Thank you so much, Athena! Toodles, Kathryn
Kathryn, Your kitchen cabinets look so fresh and brighten up your kitchen nicely. Love the hardware you chose.
Mary Alice
Your cabinets and hardware look gorgeous. What color do you plan to paint the walls? It will look gorgeous when you are finished.
Your kitchen cabinets look wonderful!
I am currently in the middle of a kitchen reno. We have all the new cabinets hung. I LOVE painted cabinets. I am painted them all a creamy white. I'm almost done…. sigh.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful make over.
Will visit again soon.
Your kitchen looks amazing. Don't you just love white to brighten up a room. I'm joining you from Return to Lovliness. I also have my kitchen there..It so much fun to see others in the linky parties that you might not otherwise see..Happy Tuesday..Judy
I would be showing off a zillion photos as well, they look so great painted white. I really like your stripes too, Iv just painted stripes myself on my hallway wall and Im inspired to paint a few more stripes in a few more places soon … maybe in the kitchen
Kitchen cabinets look so much better white – great transformation!
Love the white treatment to the cabinets. I think it's such a classic look for a kitchen and find the lightness makes the kitchen more fun to work in too. If you're into blue then your kitchen is 'the bomb'. I'll show my friend, she's a 'blue girl' and will love your colour choice. Thanks for sharing.
Oh my WOW!!!! Fabulous job on the cabinets!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!
Your kitchen look's beautiful. Great job on the cabinets. I love the walls.
That is great. Mamoth job – jumped over from Redoux link party
Ahhhh, so there is hope for our builder's grade oak cabinets afterall!! They look absolutely amazing!! Off to see if I can find your tutorial….
That looks SO MUCH better! Great job! I have the same terrible cabinets and I really want to paint them as well… that will have to wait until the hubby gets home.
Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse Party! I 'll be featuring this tomorrow.
Beautiful improvement, you must be thrilled. I also like your selection of drawer pulls and knobs. Here visiting from Savvy Southern Style.
Wow…the white paint is definitely better! It looks great! Someday I'll start on mine…until then I'll just ogle yours.
Have a great weekend!
Awesome job Kathryn! You rocked that paint job and the hardware is gorgeous too. I'm featuring your kitchen in the PoPP Spotlight this weekend. Thanks for sharing with us.
Wow, that did such a great job of brightening and updating the room!
Would love if you entered our link party supporting Habitat for Humanity. You could win up to $150, have $100 donated to H4H in your name, and be featured on some pretty big blogs!
I LOVE IT!! So fresh and clean looking…a whole new kitchen!!
Thanks for linking to "20 Below Thursday"!!
Your cabinets look great and really brightened up the room. Loving the hardware too. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success!
Your cabinets look amazing! And the white really makes your striped walls pop! I love it! We'd love for you to link up to our party! http://housewivesofriverton.blogspot.com/2012/08/riverton-housewives-round-up-30.html
your cabinets sure don't look like builder's grade now! They are so pretty. I know you must smile every time you walk in there. I did mine so long ago, and I still love them!
Hi Kathryn,
I love your cabinets and your kitchen. Love the colors. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week. This weeks Link Party is opened at http://www.adornedfromabove.com/2012/08/free-bee-sweet-hat-pattern-crocheted.html
Hope to see you there.
Debi Bolocofsky
Adorned From Above
Thank you for sharing at Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week to link up again! Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much for letting us know this one. I'm glad to see your kitchen cabinet. Very attractive design I like it. I will visit your blog everyday to look if there is an update. Anyway if you want to remodel your Kitchen Cabinets just Get more information here.
You did a great job and the kitchen looks beautiful despite all of the bumps in the road.I love how white cabinets brighten a space sooo much!Thomas the Tank Engine Beds
What color do you plan to paint the walls? It will look gorgeous when you are finished.Discount Beds and Mattresses
A fabulous post for this kitchen renovations in Los Angeles.
Love the new look, the kitchen now really "pops". Looks so fresh and inviting
Thanks for linking up to Marvelous Monday on Smart Party Planning.
I think it looks amazing, Kathryn! Definitely, the white over the oak!
Thank you for sharing at #OMHGWW. I have white cabinets too and love them!
The white makes your kitchen look so clean and fresh. It is a wonder what fresh paint will do. Great job.
Please consider sharing it with my readers I think many of them would love the new inspiration!
The white face lift really makes your kitchen more lovely. Nice job.
Loving this! You are so talented. Thanks for sharing this at our party. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm, so we get to party with you again! Lou Lou Girls
I know I missed this when I was visiting my DD Sofia. Incredibly gorgeous kitchen sweet friend! You did an amazing job, it's so fresh and perfect now. The wide stripes gives it such joy and fun to it.
You are so talented and clever. I'm pinning it.