Hello World! Welcome Friends! For those of us who are either bloggers or who work from home, we all know how important our internet connection is. Our productivity is linked to how reliable that connection is. It is such a blessing to be able to set your own schedule and work from home. Being able to schedule your work time to coordinate with when you are at your best on your schedule is key. However, if you don’t have a reliable internet connection, your best work time and productivity are thrown out the window.
Working 9-5
It’s not just our downtime that has been revolutionized by the World Wide Web, our working lives have undergone a modern-day makeover as well. We rely on an internet connection for emails, conference calls, data storage, and advanced research without even realizing it. The world of business has been truly transformed. A good broadband connection is key for productivity and development. If your connection is poor and you are finding it hard to get things done, have a look at internet providers in my area to see if switching to another service provider could be better for you.
In today’s work world the options are endless for picking the right broadband service for your business. There are plans that can be customized to fit your business regardless of the size. Whether your business is small, mid-size or large, plans can be customized to fit your needs. www.talktalkbusiness.co.uk/business-types/ is one such company that specializes in making sure your company and broadband requirements are a perfect match.
21st Century Connections
Internet habits can vary drastically from person to person. You get the workaholics who just can’t resist their email inbox and the Netflix bingers who can’t tear themselves away from the screen. Then you have those who think a search engine is something you find under your car hood. But, seriously, how reliable is your broadband connection? Is it truly meeting your needs for your use of the internet? Reach out to usave – broadband comparison in order to find the best broadband deals to fit your needs.
Are you a self-confessed social media addict who just can’t stop scrolling? Are you on your travels and rely on the internet to stay in touch with loved ones back home? Do you have a terrible sense of direction that only map apps can solve? Maybe you use the internet to do your weekly grocery shopping, or perhaps it’s how you run your very own business. I want to know how you use your broadband connection.
Your Turn
For me personally, I have a tendency to be a workaholic. It’s that to-do list that beckons me everyday. And, as a blogger, social media is a huge component of my work day. It’s the way I connect with those who may not actually read my blog but want to be kept up to date on the daily happenings at The Dedicated House. My productivity is directly tied to my internet connection.
I want to hear how you use the internet. Is it for work, for play or a mixture of both? Be sure to leave a comment and use #BroadbandAndMe to get the dialogue started.
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
#Broadbandandme I use my internet for both business and personal throughout the day. I am currently doing personal and work. I am wanting my blog to increase my earnings and so I am working on that while I am doing personal reading of my favorite blogs.
Thank you, Carol for popping by. Happy start to the weekend!