Hello World! Welcome Friends! I know it has been some time since I’ve last posted. I hope to get back to a somewhat normal schedule in the coming days and weeks. For those not aware of our location, we were the recipients of Hurricane Harvey. I have experienced many hurricanes and tornadoes in my time, but this one was extremely different and the anxiety factor was quite high. We knew it was coming and made all of the appropriate preparations. On Thursday, August 24th, Greg (Mr. Dedicated) got fuel for all three of our vehicles. This proved to be a wise decision since Harvey has come and gone, fuel has been in short supply in our area due to major roadways being flooded and the gas trucks unable to make their way to the Houston area. Once all of our hurricane preparations were made, we waited and watched. I generally love a good thunderstorm but this Hurricane had me on edge; and rightfully so. Greg and I surrounded ourselves and our property in prayer. We specifically asked for no water in our house and no loss of electricity. We worked hard to keep the atmosphere light so Chloe (Little Dedicated) would not slip into fear. I had to speak to her a few times especially when the tornadoes were so close to not let fear take hold. We are teaching her to recognize fear and tell it to go. On Friday, August 25th there were no signs of Harvey yet in our area so we were able to squeeze in Meet the Teacher before racing home to make sure the house was secure. Below is Chloe with her 4th grade teacher.
We knew we probably wouldn’t see anything from Harvey until Saturday so we took the opportunity to invite our close friends and their daughter over for a night of Catan which is currently our favorite game.
When our friends left late that evening the wind was picking up a bit. That is a tell tale sign that the outer bands of the Hurricane were approaching. So, after a quick clean-up of the kitchen, we were off to bed for the last night of decent sleep in quite some time.
Saturday, August 26th we awoke to wind and rain. For those who follow me on Instagram, I posted a few videos and pictures of what we were experiencing. Saturday was a day spent hearing tornado warnings go off on our phones for literally the entire day. Trying to keep calm and keeping a sense of normal around Chloe, I decided to pop up into my office on the 2nd floor to try and get some work done while she and Greg were playing a game. Well, that didn’t last long. One of our cats, Camille was sitting in the window snoozing away, when the window started to rattle. I thought she had awoken and was hitting the window since an alert did not go off on my phone! I turned to have a look and see what she was doing, only to catch sight of this monster. (I do not have a photo credit for this picture. Our Social Media was inundated with pictures and videos from friends and friends of friends who were able to catch the tornadoes and Hurricane in action.)
I raced downstairs yelling to get in the pantry since that is our safe spot in a tornado. Greg and Chloe were nowhere in the house. The wind had kicked up out the backside of our house and they decided to go outside to investigate. They didn’t see the tornado but saw a bunch of debris flying in the air. Once I told them there was a tornado that’s when we headed inside to the pantry. Below is a video that someone shot of the tornado from a different angle.
The following was a snapshot of the radar of our Saturday night.
Our house is where the blue dot is located in the above picture. When this picture was captured, we were in the middle of one of the severe rain bands. The red denotes tornado activity. The black space around Missouri City is an area between bands that is beautifully calm. After the band we were experiencing in this picture passed through us, the area of calmness came over. This was one of the few times I was able to get to sleep. We moved Chloe downstairs onto the couch so if we needed to head to the pantry in the middle of the night, we could rouse her without having to go upstairs and try to get her to walk downstairs half asleep. After the calm, we were hit with another band and then another band. Then Harvey did the unthinkable…he went back out into the Gulf of Mexico and came back in. Harvey danced upon the coastline for what seemed like an eternity. He was caught between two high pressure systems that prevented him from moving up onto land and dissipating. The sound of rain which I used to love, became a unwelcome sign. We longed for quiet.
With all of that rain, it made sense that all of the bayous, lakes, creeks and reservoirs would not be able to contain all of that water.
On the above map we are located North of the Addicks Reservoir and surrounded by creeks and man-made lakes. Even this map doesn’t have all of the creeks listed. There are two creeks that are right by my neighborhood that are not on this map. All of the creeks and reservoirs flow down into buffalo bayou and out to Trinity Bay and then Galveston Bay. The bayou system in Houston is massive and beautiful. With all of the rain our fair city went from dry to completely flooded.
Image Credit: Richard Carson / Reuters
Sunday, August 27th had us glued to the television witnessing the horrible effects on Houston. The above picture is Interstate highway 45 submerged from the effects of Hurricane Harvey during the widespread flooding in Houston on Sunday, August 27, 2017. Also, Sunday there was talk of releasing the Addicks and Barker Reservoirs to prevent the dams bursting and flooding the whole of Houston and surrounding areas. It would make life more horrific for those downstream and close to the bayous as well as neighborhoods that were just North and South of the reservoirs.
To give you an idea of how large Houston is, check out the meme below.
What I have known almost all of my life is that I am surrounded by good people. The images of neighbors helping neighbors flooded our social media. One of the images I believe was seen around the world.
Image Credit: David J. Phillip/AP
Houston Police SWAT officer Daryl Hudeck carries Catherine Pham and her 13-month-old son Aiden after rescuing them from their home surrounded by floodwaters from Harvey, Aug. 27, 2017, in Houston.
Image Credit: Rick Wilking / Reuters
Greg and I didn’t get much sleep Sunday night since we were watching the news regarding the release of the reservoirs. We have many friends that live in one of the neighborhoods just North of the Addicks Reservoir. I grew up visiting friends and babysitting little ones in the neighborhood of Bear Creek. Late Sunday night, Greg got a text from one of the high school football coaches he taught in his Coaches Outreach Bible Study. Greg also had the privilege of performing the wedding ceremony for this coach and his lovely wife back in November. Basically, he was asking Greg if he, his wife and their 4 pups could stay with us for a couple of days since they weren’t sure how bad the release of the reservoir was going to affect them. Our answer was a resounding YES!
Below is a picture of their neighborhood after the release of the reservoir.
Devastating! So many people lost everything as did the young couple who are now our house guests.
Back in May we had a pool company design us a pool for our huge backyard, but I just didn’t have complete peace about moving ahead with the project. Now I know why. Our backyard is the home and playground for 3 Labradors and 1 Schnauzer…Simba, Bella, LB, and Chickies. Chloe is over the moon with having the dogs to play with and they are all just the sweetest pups. The cats are mad right now, because they loved to go out on the back patio and lounge. But, they are adjusting.
Monday, August 28th our new house guests arrived with pups and brave faces. They were doing their best to hold it together. We put them in Chloe’s bedroom, but I knew we were going to have to find a more permanent solution for them since I had seen pictures and videos from Bear Creek and knew it would be months before they would be able to get back into their home. Plus school would be starting and Chloe would need to be back in her spot, but I didn’t have another bedroom set. We had a double size air mattress, but that could not be the solution. One morning, early while I was praying, the Lord dropped it down in my spirit to get on Facebook and my neighborhood social app, Nextdoor to see if anyone was willing to let us borrow a bedroom set. Below is what I put out on Facebook and Nextdoor:
We have taken in a young couple and their 4 dogs from Bear Creek that had their home affected by the Addicks Reservoir release. If you have seen the video footage from Bear Creek, you can imagine how great the loss. They lost everything, Currently they are staying in our daughter’s bedroom and she is on the couch. But with school eventually starting, I would like to set them up in a proper bedroom in our home. I have a bookcase, two end tables and one lamp. Below is a list of items we are looking to borrow to create for them a place where they can retreat and recharge in the coming months. We do have an air mattress in the meantime, but would like to get them something a little more solid for the long haul.
1 Queen size bed frame
1 Queen size mattress and box spring
1 dresser
1 or 2 lamps
We have a truck and can pick up the items at a time that is convenient for you. If you have any of these items and would let us borrow them for several months, I would be so grateful. I give you my word, they will be taken care of and returned to you when they are no longer needed.
He is the new track and football coach at Brigdelands High School and she works in the energy field. As you can imagine, having 4 dogs their housing options are quite limited. They have a place here in our home for as long as they need it. I am honored to be able to help out in my small way.
Please respond to this or text me. Thank you in advance for helping us create a comfortable bedroom for them.
The response was overwhelming. I had people texting me and emailing me all day! I had made the post above on Wednesday, August 30th at 8:12 am and by 7:05 pm the same day, we had everything we needed and the room was set up for them.
Below is a follow-up post I made on Facebook and Nextdoor at 7:05 pm
Glory to God! I live in the greatest city on the Earth. My fellow Houstonians really stepped up. While our new house guests were taking a canoe back to their house in Bear Creek to assess the damage, Greg Griffin and I cleaned out our guest suite and outfitted the room with a queen size bed, dresser, two end tables, bookcase, two lamps, and freshly laundered linens and towels. Our guests are home from their hard day and have moved into their new suite. And, best of all, I hear laughter! This makes me so happy. A day that started in tears is ending with a light hearted moment. My heart is full. Thank you to all who offered to help and those that donated the furniture. Thank you John and Elena Hollingshead for graciously letting them borrow your canoe. Thank you Jerry Hurd for your generous contribution. All of you are stand up people and I am honored to call you friends. I will keep you posted of any further needs that might arise. Their long journey is just beginning. Hugs to all!
Hurricane Harvey is gone and we have a new normal. We have two beautiful people God has graciously allowed us to care for. And, Chloe has 4 more backyard playmates. The water has receded out of their house, but is still in the neighborhood and they have started the process of demoing their house and making plans. Their journey is going to be long, but they have a home here for as long as they need it. The start of school has been postponed to September 11th which gives us all more time to adjust to our new lives. Greg and I were so blessed that we did not have any water in our house and we did not lose power once. The extent of our damage was a broken window screen. That’s it! All Glory to God for keeping us safe and dry and for allowing us to be a refuge for Jake and Adriana in their storm.
For now, we are blessed, content and basking in the glow of how much our Heavenly Father loves us! And, we now have new friends to add to our game night! LOL
This was the start of Catan on Labor Day night with the Hollingsheads and the Robbins.
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Thanks for stopping by and listening to my take on Hurricane Harvey! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Dear Kathryn, I was shocked by the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. My heart goes out to everyone who suffered through this dreadful Hurricane.
I have to tell you Kathryn, I cried when I read your words. My tears subsided and then I cried again when I read about your wonderful neighbours helping your young friends.
I am so pleased to read that you and your family are safe and sound and I send my love and prayers to your young friends.
Both yourself, your husband and lovely daughter are the kindest of people and at a time when the news is full of so much sadness, it is makes my heart swell to know you have helped this young couple.
I feel sure there are many lovely people such as yourselves who are quietly helping other folk through this dreadful time.
With warmest wishes to you and your family.
Daphne, we are indeed living in strange times. I am so thankful and humbled to be able to house our young friends and their pups. It is by the grace of God we did not have any damage. Thank you for your kind words. I cherish the kindness that is flowing these days. Have a lovely rest of the week! Hugs
So happy they were spared even though their house wasn’t. And bless you and your family and all the people willing to help the couple get back on their feet.
Thank you so much! It has truly been a blessing to have then here. Happy week to you!
How fortunate they are to have friends like you. I can’t imagine how they must feel after such a loss. Sending prayers for everyone affected by this storm – and the next one that is on its way!
Thank you, Ann! Hope you have a lovely week ahead!
Thank you so much for making your guests feel at home in such a traumatic time in their lives. We lived in Sugar Land until four years ago. Watching this all unfold on t.v. and social media has been unreal. The people of Texas have really shined through it all.
Thank you, Eilis! It has been a blessing to have them here with us! Have a lovely week!
It sounds like your prayers were definitely heard. So happy for you and so wonderful that you are helping the young family and their pups. We are still praying for Houston and now have added more prayers because we heard we may be in the path of Hurricane Irma here in North Carolina. Hope everything works out well for your friends!
Thank you, Cathy! Have a lovely week ahead!
You are loved, Kathryn! We all have been praying for the people of Texas. Thank goodness for folks like you and your family, to help out in anyway you can. People helping people is such a wonderful thing. So many heroes!!! Now, we are bracing for those that will be affected by Irma. Praying for everyone to be safe and secure!
Thank you, Gail! We are so blessed! Have a happy week!
How blessed they are to have you as their friends. How blessed you are to be willing to help in such a way. I have said many prayers for those in Texas that lost everything. When I see the picture of their neighborhood, I cry. How devastating! Is there any small things that I could do to help them? Please email me at pzcarol1@yahoo.com
Thank you, Carol! They are working on getting their house renovated which will take a couple of months. But, we are so happy to have them here with us. Have a happy week!
God bless you!
Thank you, Rebecca!
I’m so glad to hear you and your family are ok. And, what a blessing, that through the storm you can be a blessing to a family in need.
Thank you, Virginia! It has been a blessing to have them here! Have a happy week!
Kathryn, I’m happy to read that you are safe with no damage. We helped shelter my cousin and her daughter’s family, but they are now back in Houston. They have a long journey ahead to rebuild their home. They lost both of their cars and had the first floor of their home flooded. Fortunately they have found an apartment to live in while their home is restored. It is all very traumatic for their children, 10 and 12. They too had a puppy, so we were a house full. It was an honor to have them in our home.
I wish you well in the coming months. The young couple is fortunate to have you in their lives.
Sarah, how lovely that you were able to help your family! I count it an honor to have them in my home! Have a happy week!
What a beautiful post, how God uses folks who are willing and always puts just the right people in our path at the time we need them the most. I am grateful for people like you and your family that have shown us all what our real purpose is, to help others. So happy for you that you and your family were spared any damage, may God continue to bless you and that precious young couple.
Miz Helen
Thank you, Helen! We are indeed so blessed! Have a lovely week ahead!
Kathryn, my heart goes out to your family and the couple in your home. I grew up in Houston and most of my family still lives there. I experienced the devastation of Alicia first hand so I admire your positive attitude and generous spirit. I am thankful God protected you and your family. Hugs, Cecilia
My family and I experienced two devastating floods here in Iowa, in 1993 and again in 2008. After the first one, we had friends not too far away who let us into their home, pets and all, while we rebuilt our house. It took about 60 days. What you are doing for those folks is nothing short of miraculous. You are giving them a clean dry place to come home to after spending the day working on their home – first emptying it out of all its muck-covered contents, then stripping it of all its water-logged building materials, then rebuilding it piece by piece. Even now, 24 years after that first flood, I am filled with gratitude when I think of those friends and what they did for us… what it meant to us. Bless you and your family!
Oh, Kathryn, you and your family are such sweet and caring souls, God Bless you. As devasting as this has been it warms my heart to see how communities have come together to help each other.
Oh my gosh. Bless your heart and your house guests too. I’ve lived through the threat of horrible weather all my life in Texas and Oklahoma but this is the worst I’ve seen. I’m so sorry for your friends and so many others too. My cousin lives in Tomball and his house was flooded. It’s just unthinkable!
I’ll be thinking of you and so many others as time marches on. Thank heavens so many Texans and others around the country are willing to help.
What Harvey did to Houston and the surrounding areas is so heartbreaking. I am glad you and your family stayed safe and have been able to open up your house for your friends. That is truly what is it all about.
As I read your post the verse Matthew 5:14-15 comes to mind. “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”
May God bless you and your neighbors 100 fold for all the good deeds you do.
Awe, Kristina, thank you! It has truly been a blessing. Thank you for stopping by!
I am so grateful you and your family were saved from the terrible devastation, and that you were then able to extend loving arms and hearts to this young couple. We were glued to the tv, feeling very helpless, but also very gratified to see so many helping hands….neighbor helping neighbor and strangers helping strangers is surely the work of God.
Continued good blessings and prayers coming your way.
Warm hugs,
Thank you, Carol! I am honored to be able to help out! Have a happy week.
Wow, Kathryn, just wow. Talk about stand up people, you and Greg are those people! Thank you for helping your friends. As did so many, we watched that entire weekend also. I have a nephew and his pregnant wife who live in Katy with their two sons – I was anxious for them. He was to start a new job on the 28th with Exxon, but it wasn’t to be until Sept 7. They are safe and sound, and my sister just returned after Irma hit Beaufort SC. She ended up being only 1 of 3 on her street who DIDN’T have 2 feet of water in her home! It’s been a very trying time, and I have friends in Montana living amongst the fires…..
I’m happy to hear from you. God bless your new norm.
Thank you, Rita! The Earth is definitely groaning. So glad your family your family made it through the storms. Thank you for joining the party this week! Happy week to you.
Hi Kathryn, Great job writing up how that week was here in Houston. We are in the Katy/Richmond area and were very luckily spared flooding. But, of course, many homes around us did flood.
My husband must have helped clear water damage from 9 or 10 homes so far. He hasn’t even been back to work yet, since his office in the energy corridor flooded. It was a crazy week. We are still finding water damage popping up 2 weeks later. The wind just let water get into areas it never went before.
Good luck to your friends getting back to their lives. We have a friend that’s moving to a new apartment in a few days. He’s been at our house since the reservoir flooding too. So many lives changed. Praying for everyone.
It has been a blessing to be able to help. Glad you are safe and I hope you are able get the damage repaired quickly. Thanks for stopping by! Praying for you!
God bless you and your family and new house guests, Kathryn. What a blessing you were able to be! How God must have smiled when he saw your response to His call! I cried for you for your friends and from my memories of losing my home to flood waters. But, you know I still love the sound of the rain and nothing that truly matters can be lost. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Much love and prayers for the road ahead.
Thank you for sharing your story! We live up in Montana, and we just see what the news has to share, which, of course, is devastating. But when I read stories like this, it puts a personal spin on it and makes it all the more real. I’m so glad your family saved your home, and I’m glad you were able to help out friends. We will continue praying for all affected by all hurricanes.