Hello World! Welcome Friends! Relocating to a new location and settling into a new environment is stressful for humans. And more so for animals, who cannot comprehend what’s going on. As their parents, it’s up to you to relieve the stress and make the little guys feel secure. Animals are susceptible to their surroundings and aren’t comfortable with change. Read ahead for some practical tips on how to help your furry bud adjust and get settled in their new home.
Habituate Your Pet to Traveling
If your pet isn’t used to going on vacations and traveling in a vehicle, you might want to start adapting them to cars a few months in advance. Practice crating by placing treats and favorite toys in the crate and turning it into a safe place where they can hide when they feel anxious. Make sure the box is made with soft plastic and is big enough for the animal to stand and turn around. Also, place soft blankets and one of your old tees. Having your scent in the box will make them feel secure. Take your pals on short drives so they are used to the idea of a moving car. You could also check with your vet for any medications that can eliminate the possibility of motion sickness.
Adapt Your Buddy to a Secure Spot
In the weeks leading up to the move, create a secure spot for your pet. Pick out a corner of the house where you’ll set up their bed, toys, food and water bowls, blankets, and other familiar things, along with a litter box if you own a cat. On the move day, tackle that section at the very end. Close the room and let your pet relax away from the activity. Having a crew of movers and packers in their home might make them feel anxious since animals have strong territorial instincts and may not appreciate the invasion of their home. When you reach your new home, set up your pal and their things in an empty room. Having familiar objects and scents close by will make the transition easier while adapting to a new environment.
Crate Your Fur Baby During the Packing
Check with the expert movers in San Diego, and they will advise you to crate your pets while they work. The last thing you want is your buddy getting underfoot when heavy pieces of furniture and boxes are being moved. Further, packing involves handling sharp scissors and tools for dismantling sofas, beds, dressers, and other bulky objects. Keep your pets away from all the activity and protect them from accidents and injuries. Feed and walk them before the movers arrive, so they are tired out and won’t get excited and curious about the activity.
Maintain Their Routines Before and After the Move
Animals like routine because it makes them secure. Maintaining their feeding and walking schedules all through the move will be worth the extra effort. You could also consider sending your buds to a kennel or friend’s place while you get settled in. Follow these tips, and your pets will be stress-free and happy when they arrive in their new home.
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Moving is hard as it is, but with a pet it is even more complicated.