Hello World! Welcome Friends! Did you know that cleaning your house can improve your mental health? Tidying up your home is therapeutic and stress-relieving. You can always book a cleaning service like Maidattendants to help you out with all your cleaning needs.
Ready for an extreme house cleaning but not sure where to start? Not to worry! In this guide, we’ll go over some deep cleaning house tips.
Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out!
Declutter Your Home
Go around your home and put things away that aren’t in the right spot. If you don’t need these items, pack them in a box and bring them to a charity or thrift store. With everything put away, you can clean in a more efficient manner.
Go from Top to Bottom
When you’re cleaning, start at the harder to reach areas first. Focus on the ceiling trim, ceiling, light fixtures, and walls. Move down the trim to the baseboards. Clean everything with a duster or clean microfiber mop.
Where there is dirt, use warm water and dish soap. For bathrooms, add white vinegar to help stop mold from growing.
Clean Your Windows
Vacuum the tracks and sills of your windows. After, spray it with cleaner from top to bottom and let it sit. Squeegee the cleaner off. Wash your windows and remove the dirt buildup.
Vacuum Window Blinds or Shades
To save yourself time, don’t take down the shades but instead vacuum them with a brush attachment. You don’t have to iron and launder curtains but instead, put them in the dryer for a few minutes.
Wipe All Surfaces
Use a beeswax-based wood cleaner for any shelves or wood furniture. To go faster, use a cotton tube sock and move objects away with your free hand. Take a lint roller to any of your lampshades to lift off dust.
Clean the Floors
Move around your beds and sofas to deep clean your floors. You can pick up furniture gliders to make it easier to shift around your furniture. Place these gliders underneath your pieces.
Use your vacuum’s crevice tool to remove dirt at the baseboards and corners. If you have a hard floor, clean it with the prescribed cleaner and a microfiber mop. For carpets, look into carpet cleaning services.
Bedroom Tips
Wash your pillows, shams, bed skirt, and duvet cover. Give them an extra spin cycle because this will help them dry faster. Make sure you dry your down pillows on low with tennis balls to prevent clumping.
To freshen your mattress, sprinkle baking soda on the bare mattress and let it sit for one hour. Vacuum it up using your hose attachment. Rotate or flip the mattress.
Kitchen Tips
Empty your fridge and wipe down the outside and inside. Do the same to your dishwasher and stove.
Move everything off your countertop and sanitize it with vinegar and water. Clean and dry everything well and return the items you use daily. Put everything else away into the cupboards.
Extreme House Cleaning
We hope you found this guide on cleaning tips helpful. For your next extreme house cleaning, remember to clean from top to bottom.
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Sometimes all you need is a good old fashioned list to keep you organized. You created a fantastic article choosing the key steps you need to make your home spotless. You can even spread these activities to a few days and I think that will boost the chances to finish it.