Hello World! Welcome Friends! Moisture issues in the basement are quite common yet most homeowners still do not understand how to treat the issue promptly and correctly. It can even get more complex in cases where the basement is part of the house you live in. Most homes have ductwork and other openings connecting their homes to the basement. In such instances, moisture issues are a significant menace. Not only is it annoying and uncomfortable, but the mold and mildew that grows in the presence of moisture also pose significant health problems. Worse even, it can even affect the foundation of your home! Luckily, basement moisture issues are nothing you, or someone like this provo basement finishing company, cannot solve. Let us look into some of the basement moisture problems before exploring how to fix them:
Source: Perry & Co., a member of Luxury Portfolio International
How Does Moisture Get to the Basement?
There are different mechanisms and sources through which water can get to your basement. The most common moisture sources are rain or groundwater, exterior moist air, and interior sources of moisture. Interior moisture sources could be anything from bathroom, kitchen, humidifiers and unvented clothes dryers. Water from these sources gets to the basement using mechanisms, such as capillary suction, vapor diffusion, liquid water flow, and air movement.
In some cases, the problems stem from poor construction. A cracking foundation can allow water to seep through to the basement. There are times when the building may be well constructed and structurally sound, but the structure may lack provisions for handling water drainage. If the ground surface does not slope away from the foundation or the gutter and downspout systems are missing, you can expect to encounter basement moisture problems.
How to Deal With Basement Moisture Issues
When approaching basement moisture problems, it is best to start with removing the water source. Here is what you could do:
- Remove any excessive moisture sources in the basement-things like humidifiers and washers. Ventilate other moisture sources like the bathroom and clothes dryer.
- If your primary concern is condensation during summer, avoid ventilating the basement directly with warm, humid air. Opt for an air conditioning system or a desiccant-type heat exchanger.
Keep in mind that dehumidifying the basement may work perfectly in dealing with the symptoms like odor but does little in offering a permanent solution.
Here are some of the more permanent approaches that will kill basement moisture issues.
- Consider basement waterproofing. It not only protects your basement from moisture but can also reinforce your house’s foundation. This solution may require an expert to assess the situation and use appropriate methods. Make sure to research the cost of waterproofing basement spaces, as it can vary greatly depending on the method and extent of damage. Doing this correctly will provide peace of mind because the foundation needs to be sound for your home to stand.
- Evaluate both the interior and exterior drainage system to prevent water from seeping through to the basement.
- Ensure that you correct any issues with the gutters, downspouts, and surface grading.
- Have an active sub-slab depressurization system that will draw moisture from under the slab and reduce significantly the amount of water that accesses the basement through slab openings.
Wrapping Up
If you are like most people, your home is a substantial investment. It is, therefore, necessary to protect it at all costs. Dealing with any basement issues promptly and taking preventative action goes a long way. In keeping you and your loved ones safe. It will also save you a lot in cash.
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Hi, would like to say i enjoyed your article cliche right but i did. i would also like to add a little more to your points made mainly the important one of gutter cleaning. Cleaning your gutters is the most ove5r looked, as well as the easiest to maintain. Gutter cleaning solves a few concerns first clearing debris from system to prevent clogs leading to overflow conidiations. The second is most companies offer a free roof inspection while they are cleaning your gutter system. AT which time they will check shingle health, roof vents as well as heat stacks and Pipe collar seals. Which can identify potential issues and save you money in long run by finding issues before they get out of hand. The gutters being cleared regularly as well as the grading of ground around home would be primary factors on water in your basement.