Hello World! We can all spend many hours on furniture retailers’ websites pouring over the latest classy armchairs and super king size beds. But without a good plan of where and how you are going to place your furniture in your home, you could be creating an interior design nightmare for yourself!
Thankfully there are many apps and tips on the internet that can help you make the most out of your home. So here’s how you can maximize your space to fit in some lovely new furniture.
Apps for spatial help
One of the most useful apps that can take a lot of trouble out of planning your home decor is the Photo Measures app. This works by allowing you to easily write down measurements on any room photograph that you take on your smartphone, therefore cutting down on endless wobbly drawings on bits of notepaper.
Whereas the Homestyler app allows you to take a photograph of your room and move around 3D pieces of furniture, so that you can quickly see whether you can splash out at Bedstar by opting for a super king sized bed instead of just a standard queen size.
Placement aesthetics
Of course, it’s not just whether you can fit in a piece of furniture into a room that should determine your decisions. As how a bed or chair fits into the overall design of an interior space can significantly affect the success of your decor plans. Although there’s been a trend for clashing colours in interiors in recent years, such ideas don’t work as well for different furniture styles.
There seem to be certain rules that are a good go-to for considering furniture dimensions. In particular, coffee tables should usually be between fourteen and eighteen inches away from a sofa and you should aim for at least 30 inches of walkway between other items of furniture unless you want to have bruised shins!
Room considerations
These issues all take on extra weight when applied to small apartments, but even the smallest bedroom can be made to feel much bigger thanks to some of these space-saving tips.
Obviously if you have the luxury of having space for a super king size bed, then embrace the opportunity. But it’s always a good idea to keep the basic principles of feng shui in the back of your mind, and remember this maxim: measure twice, decorate once!
Have a great evening! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
I totally relate, dear friend!
As many of us (Seniors) are downsizing,
it is often difficult to place our cherished heirlooms and treasures
into the confides of smaller square footage and quirky layouts!
“Mr. Ed” and I recently attended our local Parade of Homes!
I’ve got of eliminating to do before we’re ready to make such a move!
I appreciate your timely post!