Hello World! Welcome Friends! Everybody has a blog these days. Your sister, your coworker, your neighbor’s mom, and even your best friend’s cat. While some may be running a blog for fun, many are hoping to turn it from a hobby into a business one day, and you might be wanting to do the same. Blogging full-time can be a lot of fun and comes with a lot of benefits, but it’s not always what it’s made out to be.
People tend to have this romantic, glamorous idea of what it’s like to be a full-time blogger. They imagine fashion bloggers get to play dress up all day and always have perfect makeup and hair, and they imagine that décor bloggers always have a clean and beautiful home. The truth is, though, that it’s not always as glamorous as it seems. Hair gets thrown into messy buns, clutter gets pushed out of the way for a photo op, and blogging full-time isn’t all about styling and writing. There’s a lot more to it, and it’s not always easy.
If you’re considering becoming a full-time blogger, there are tons of guides that you can follow to help you get started, as well as other online resources such as the createwpsite YouTube channel to help you get your blogging site running properly. A guide can be infinitely helpful in getting set up, that being said, nothing can prepare you more for the hard work required than being prepared yourself. Here are some of the hardest parts of transitioning to becoming a full-time blogger that you may want to consider before leaping:
Taking the Leap and Quitting Your Job
As exciting as the prospect of starting your own business and blogging for a living may be, mustering up the courage to quit your day job and focus solely on blogging can be hard—it’s a big leap. Unfortunately, after a certain point, it may become too difficult to balance your day job with running a blog, so you may have to make a choice, and it’s not an easy one.
Coming Up With a Name
Unless you already have a name in mind, coming up with the perfect name for your blogging business can be hard to do. It seems like all of the good names are taken, and after a while, you may feel like all of your creativity is gone. Luckily, you can use tools like a company name generator to help you come up with the perfect name, but even then, you might strike out a few times before you finally find the right one.
Having Patience
Established, popular bloggers make it look so easy to start a blog and make money right away, but the truth is that most bloggers won’t see income for a while, sometimes for years. That means you’ll have to diligently blog and do all you can, but it could take a while before the money starts to come in. And even more frustrating, when it finally does it won’t be as much as you might expect—it might not even be enough to buy you a single cup of coffee. The process isn’t always as fast as it may seem which requires patience—and although patience is a virtue, it’s one that can be difficult to have.
Inconsistent Income
Once you do start making money and it goes from a few dollars to a few hundred and then maybe even a few thousand, you’ll probably feel hopeful and elated, but the next month it might drop back down again. Blogging income isn’t consistent; although you can make a lot of money, there’s no way to guarantee that you’ll make the same amount of money every month. This can be difficult if you’re not prepared or if you have surprise expenses pop up on a month when your income dips a little low, and it makes budgeting a bigger challenge than it might normally be.
Not Getting a Break
When you run a blog full-time, there’s no such thing as a break. You don’t get a paid vacation, you don’t get a day off for holidays, and you can’t always “step out of the office” for a few hours to catch your breath. The work is always present and always on your mind, which can make it exhausting. While you can schedule posts in advance to help yourself have some extra time to relax one day here or there, you’ll likely feel like you’re never ahead of your work and may feel pressure to work even if you’re on vacation to a tropical island.
Blogging full-time can cause you to feel burnt out quickly.
Doing it all On Your Own
When you first get started, you’ll be in charge of drafting and publishing content, styling things for photo shoots, taking photos, posting on social media, replying to emails, and managing everything that needs to be managed when your business is a blog. Although you may be able to hire on some extra help once you’ve begun to earn more money down the road, at some point, you’ll have to do it all on your own which can be difficult physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Final Thoughts
Bloggers often make full-time blogging look so glamorous and easy, and although it has its upsides, it can be difficult to do. Despite the difficulties, though, many bloggers agree that it’s worth it and that the benefits significantly outweigh the bad.
What are you waiting on to make the transition to a full-time blogger?
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
What sensible advice. I think we often see people on line apparently living the dream and don’t always understand the reality and all the hard work behind the scenes .
Very practical and sensible advice. #bloggersbest
I do lots o blogging, but don’t do it to make an income. Sometimes it feels like a full time job. I started in 2007. – Margy
Yes, sensible advice. I’m just a part time blogger, and though I am now putting more time and effort into it now that I am retired, I’m also becoming a part time farmer, poultry-raiser, graphic designer, and (eventually) a grant proposal writer, the last two of which will definitely be for moolah. My blog is for more or less for fun. Eh, I may ask it to earn me a few dollars at some point, but right now it’s just not critical for me. Great post! Thanks for sharing at Fiesta Friday! (Take a few restful moments to enjoy this Friday…)
Thanks for stopping by! Goodness, you are busy in retirement! That’s awesome! I don’t think I will truly retire…too much I’m interested in! Have a great weekend!
I’ve often thought about it but I must admit I like my steady wage. I like to think of blogging as a hobby as worry if it was a job, I wouldn’t enjoy as much. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest xs
Thanks for stopping by, Sarah! My blog started out at a hobby and then it grew. Fortunately, we are in the position to use the income I make from my blog for vacations, entertainment, and the ever present home decor.
Great article and very true! You see so many articles how I made $1000 in a month or something like that, and gets peoples hopes up when it’s unrealistic. I jumped into blogging without realizing everything, but I”m enjoying sharing my creativity with the world. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty
Thanks so much, Jenny! My blog started out as a hobby and then it grew; for which I’m grateful. But, the workload is crazy! Good thing I love it! Happy weekend to you!
That pretty much sums it up. Lots of work for little money and then the money comes and it lots of work still. lol But I wouldn’t quit, I love it! We meet so many wonderful like minded folks. Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday.
It’s a good thing we love it! It is a ton of work, but the good days far outweigh the not so good days! Happy weekend to you, Shirley!
Certainly fun, but not easy! Good advice. Thanks for sharing at To Grandma’s House We Go DIY, Crafts, Recipes and more Link Party! Pinned!
Thanks for stopping by, Sheri! Happy week to you!
Hi Kathryn. Dropping by from the Sweet Inspiration Blog party. I relate to many of the things you say about blogging. I pinned this so others might get insight about the nuts and bolts of the business of blogging. Keep up the good work and if you get a chance, visit my blog and enjoy! Nancy Andres @ http://www.colors4health.com
Thanks so much, Nancy! Have a happy week!
You’re welcome and best wishes to you.
Such a great post Kathryn! I have never taken the time to pursue making money on my blog. Just have fun with it.
Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Thanks for stopping by, Jann!
These are great points, Kathryn. One of the wrong thinking when people start blogging is that they think they could easily get there, that they could easily earn money in a short span of time. I’ve known some who focus so much on getting money but their content remains not taken care of. Anyways, thanks for sharing this important content Kathryn. Cheers!
Thanks for stopping by, Mandy! Blogging is definitely not easy; but it’s worth it if you love it!
I’m a part-time blogger in that about 40% of my income comes from blogging & the rest from being a freelance journalist – would love to up that figure though! #bloggersbest