Hello World! Welcome Friends! There is no guaranteed way of creating or becoming the best person that you can be. Every individual is different, so being the best version of yourself will not be the same as your friend becoming their best self. However, there are tips and steps you can take to begin the journey of becoming the greatest version of yourself, without compromising anything about you.
These ten small tips are just the stepping stones to finding the best version of you.
#1 – Surround Yourself with Positive Influences
It may seem silly, but the people you choose to be around have a profound effect on who you are as a human being. If you find friends and loved ones who make you feel better, make you happy, and are all around good people, then you will begin to find yourself setting your own self up to be a better person as well. Other people influence your actions and behavior in the same way you make your own choices, so choosing to be around positive people will ultimately make you a better person, too.
#2 – Participate in Things You Love
Find a hobby you enjoy and pursue it in your free time. Perhaps you have always wanted to be a musician; learn to play your favorite instrument and hone your skills or sign up for online singing lessons. Or maybe you and your partner have been considering home remodeling but aren’t sure if you can afford to take on such a large project. Seek out resources to help you, such as a contractor who will help you with a relationship-based remodeling project. What’s important is to allow yourself to flourish and enjoy life. It will give you a much more positive outlook as well as make you a well-rounded human being.
#3 – Take Time to Stop and Smell the Roses
Give yourself a chance to just stop and enjoy life, sometimes. You only have one life as you on this plane of existence, so let yourself smile at the puppies playing in the park or admire your neighbor’s garden as you pass by them. When good things happen, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, let yourself enjoy them and indulge that happiness. Celebrate your successes, even the tiniest ones, and immerse yourself in the world around you.
#4 – Take (Reasonable) Risks
Obviously do not do anything illegal or dangerous but take more chances in life. Expanding your horizons and doing things you never thought of doing will give you a chance to grow. Who you are and what you do are interwoven, so doing more things and taking (safe, legal) risks will give you that much more to think about.
#5 – Don’t Cater Yourself to Others
Everything we do is shaped by society and the people around us. However, if it ever comes to a point where you realize you are editing and altering everything you say or do around certain people, then you need to take a step back. Perhaps you’ve been looking into an amazing wedding dress but your mother, sister, and friends all have different ideas of what dress you should choose. It’s important to listen to your inner voice in these times and make choices based on what you feel is right, not what others tell you to do or how to be. Becoming the best version of yourself can only be done by accepting who you are naturally, not who you are molded to be.
#6 – Practice Good Hygiene and Health
This one seems obvious, but it should still be said. If you take care of your body, then you will feel better. When you feel better physically, it reflects in your personality and the way you present yourself, too. This includes practicing good hygiene, such as by investing in a water flosser for the ultimate healthy teeth. It also entails making sure your body is getting enough nutrients, and if it’s not, taking zinc supplements or vitamins to get your body to its optimal state. And at the end of the day, good health also requires that you are getting the proper amount of sleep, which you can facilitate by having a mattress that promotes deep and restful sleep.
#7 – Embrace Your Unique Qualities
Everyone is different. That is undeniable. Once you accept the things that make you exactly who you are, then you can be well on your way to discovering the best version of you there is to know. You are you, and that is beautiful.
#8 – Be Kind
Kindness and charity are the epitome of “good” in society. Practicing kindness with strangers and friends alike will allow you to see the positives in life instead of only the negatives. Helping others give us a sense of pleasure, and knowing you are doing a good thing will give you the drive to continue to do good things, and even influence others to do good deeds.
#9 – Be Open to Change
Differences make us special. Cultural, societal, and personal, all differences should be celebrated. Give yourself a chance to explore new places and meet new people and learn to accept others for who they are in the same way you want to be accepted. Change and new things are inevitable, so when we accept that, we can grow with the world.
#10 – Believe in Yourself
Cliché, but true – only by believing you can will you become the best version of you that you can be! Sometimes believing in yourself requires some self-exploration, and there are any number of ways you can accomplish this. Whether it’s taking a journey to Kuala Lumpur to experience new cultures to better understand your position in the world, or simply sitting at home with a journal and writing out your thoughts, you can discover your true self, which will help you to better believe in who you are as a unique individual.
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