Hello World! Welcome Friends! Far too often, people overlook the care needed by their driveway until cracks or stains appear. Preemptively taking care of your driveway can help keep your driveway functioning for years to come as well as keep things aesthetically pleasing, which can contribute to the curbside appeal of your home and, by extension, maintain or improve the value of your property. The following will explore some steps you can take to keep your driveway well maintained.
Sealing the Asphalt
The sealing is the top layer of your asphalt driveway; it’s the part that’s dark and shiny. Once every few years, you want to seal your asphalt driveway. Paving professionals at Maryland Asphalt Paving point out that not only does sealing helps prevent water from penetrating and then freezing and cracking your driveway, but it also restores the dark slick appearance of your asphalt. You can also find several trusted driveway paving Columbus Ohio experts to help you with your driveway needs, so if you live in this area, be sure to check out their services. You can also find professionals in your local area that specialize in asphalt sealing and maintenance. Whether you need asphalt paving in TN or driveway maintenance in California, it’s important to find experienced professionals who can help you keep your driveway in top shape. This step alone can lengthen the lifespan of your driveway and keep things looking pristine.
Deal with Water
If you notice that water tends to pool in your driveway, this will likely cause problems in the long run. After a while, water will penetrate the surface of your driveway and can cause cracks (it’s also a bit of a pain when you’re trying to get in and out of the car). The cracks that result from water can reduce the structural integrity of your driveway, and they also don’t look very nice, meaning they can reduce the curbside appeal of your home if you’re thinking about selling or having the property value assessed. To address this issue, consider installing a Bridjit curb ramp specifically designed to prevent water from pooling, protect the structural integrity of your driveway, and enhance your home’s curbside appeal.
Take the appropriate steps to provide runoff. Also, be sure to direct downspouts away from the driveway. Occasionally, deeper foundational issues in your driveway might need to be addressed. Drainage is critical not just for your driveway, but for your lawn and the foundation of your home. Water pooling should never be ignored.
Fill Cracks
Cracks get deeper and larger over time. This means that if you notice a crack, even if it’s small, it’s best to patch it immediately. Make sure to clear out any debris from within the crack before applying a crack filler and patching compound. Make sure that you’re doing your research and choosing the right compound for your driveway and climate. Ideally, once the compound dries, you should seal the entire driveway to keep things smooth and level. If you’re uncomfortable filling the cracks yourself, you can reach out to a local driveway or asphalt specialist.
Be Aware of the Edges
While driveways are pretty sturdy things, they’re not completely impenetrable. In particular, the edges are where damage can occur from the weight of vehicles. Take steps to ensure that you’re not parking on the very edge of the driveway, as this can cause chipping, especially if the vehicle is on the heavier side. As with cracks, a chipped driveway doesn’t look as nice and could potentially lower the value of your home due to its impact on curb appeal. It also leaves portions of your driveway vulnerable to roots and water damage. If you do find yourself with chips, it’s a good idea to look into repairs, as these can cause your driveway to degrade faster than is ideal.
Keep Things Clean
Things like motor oil and radiator fluid can ruin the appearance of your driveway. It’s also worth noting that motor fluids can soften asphalt, which can result in a myriad of other problems. One nifty trick to deal with these kinds of stains is to find yourself some non-clumping kitty litter that will absorb the fresh oil. Once all the excess has been soaked up, and the kitty litter swept up, use a dish soap designed to cut grease and warm water. If the stain is older, you might need to turn to grease-cutting biodegradable cleaning products. It’s important that you don’t use a wire brush even if you feel like you need a really aggressive clean, as a wire brush can damage the driveway’s surface. Regular scrub brushes are harsh enough.
The above list should have you covered for most of your regular driveway maintenance needs. Of course, if your driveway is developing problems more rapidly than you can solve them, this might mean it’s time for a new driveway. If you’re unsure whether repairs are worth your time and money or if you’d be better off replacing the whole thing, speak to a local paving expert. They should be able to give you an idea of how long repairs can be expected to last and how long a new driveway will last before it begins needing repairs.
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Great tips! I have a driveway that used to be gravel. Our street was paved a few years ago. The contractors let us sweep the pavement dust up after the street was ground. It made it look paved, but never got that hard. We added bagged asphalt & took diesel fuel to the mix. After 3 weeks in the summer, it melted down & hardened great. I tried blacktop sealer over it. It kept cracking up.