Hello World! Welcome Friends! Well it has been a minute, hasn’t it? Surprise, I have a new website design. Long story short, I had a plugin that corrupted the site and I almost lost EVERY, SINGLE, POST!! That’s like over 3000 posts! Thank you, Jesus the fabulous people at BlueHost were able to save the posts, but the previous design ran away. So, I took this opportunity to give the site a new look. It’s much cleaner and you know me, I can’t stay away from color. I hope you like it. Okay, onto house stuff.
Sorry for the delay in showing you our repainted pantry and organization. I have too many projects going on right now and I really just need to pick one and get it finished. Can I just tell you how glad I am that the Pantry Project is finished. It was a pain in the you know where, but it is done!! Let me give you a sweet reminder of her location and what she looked like prior to a whole lot of painting going on. The Pantry is located directly behind the kitchen and is the first door in the great hall of doors. In the picture below the Pantry is straight ahead with the laundry room door on the right and the kitchen is through the arch on the left.
A Pantry Refresh and Organization
I so love my antelope rug runner…as do the cats, especially Cozi. She likes to plop her little pretty, plump self down right in the middle of the rug; of course blocking anyone’s progress walking down the hall. I’m surprised she didn’t show up for the photo shoot. She probably had a full belly and was hunting a nap in a spot of sunshine. That does sound good, doesn’t it?
I always seem to forget to take true before photos. Obviously, I only remembered to take a picture after the contents of the Pantry had been pulled out and priming over the baby diarrhea color had started. That “lovely” color is on every piece of trim, crown molding, shelf and door. Aren’t you excited for me…I get to paint to my heart’s content. Okay, enough of the sarcasm.
Can I just tell you how hard it is to photograph a small, dark space! Not the prettiest of pictures, but you get the idea. As you can see I carried the Pantry Door Organization over from our previous home. Below are some pics of the spice jars that I use. If you want more information on the Spice Jar Organization, click HERE.
Let me give you a brief tour of our somewhat smallish Pantry. I keep our baking supplies on the top two shelves since we don’t bake on a weekly basis. I wish we did, but alas no time for that fun activity. I only purchased a few new organization items. The rest I had on hand. Be sure to check the end of the post for shopping resources.
Also, on the top shelf are items that are too tall to fit on the other shelves. Yes, I know that is a huge bottle of honey. What can I say, we like honey. To the right in the picture, is our container of plastic gloves for working with jalapeños.
I used to keep our paper towels in the laundry room, but this little spot is just perfect for those items that need replacing but not on a daily basis. Below, working our way around the pantry is my plastic ware storage that is located on the top shelf as well.
Not to have any space wasted, Lazy Susan’s were incorporated to hold spray oils, vinegars and sauces.
Dry goods share the shelf next to more baking goods with canned goods below.
Below the canned goods are breakfast foods as well as crackers and more sauces.
I love my onion holder! I placed a Container Store shelf liner in the bottom of each basket to keep the onion peels contained if it got a little messy inside the basket. The smaller section of shelves underneath the plastic ware storage contains our first aid kit as well as frequently used over the counter pain medication and back stock of spices (not shown) placed in baskets.
On the bottom shelf is some extra rice, Chloe’s lunch kit, paper bags and this super handy triple shelf that holds aluminum foil, plastic wrap, parchment paper and wax paper. You’re jealous, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll provide the link so you can get your own.
Below the bottom shelf is our cat food storage that also houses rolls of super long aluminum foil for when Greg gets a hankering for ribs. In our previous home, I used it to help organize the under the sink area. Pop on over to Under the Sink Organization for more information about that fun space.
The little drawer pulls out to access our little kitty babies favorite lunch. It doesn’t matter if they are in the middle of a deep sleep, they all come running when they hear one of those little cans being opened.
The next thing I want to show you is this fabulous “dresser” that fits perfectly in the pantry. Also, on the bottom shelf is our collection of hot chocolate, coffee and tea as well as sweeteners.
She houses snacks, nuts, breads, chips, and the all important water bottles.
Our drawer of popcorn and below is the water bottle storage. (I had to turn sideways to get a decent shot of this drawer). I’m so happy to have all of the water bottles contained in one spot and not taking up valuable real estate on one of the shelves.
That’s it for the Pantry Project. This pantry is a lot smaller than the one in our previous home, but with the right organizing systems in place, it works well and everyone knows where to find what they are looking for.
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Currently, I’m working on the study giving that space a new paint color, and I have furniture ordered that should be here in November. Pop back in next week for a look at the Study Plan. I’m super excited to finally have a proper office with beautiful furniture!
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Ideas for Sprucing up your Home
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Looks GREAT!
I need to do a clean out = inspired! xo
Thanks so much, Jodie! Hope you have a great week!
That looks great, and I use a lot of the same tools for organizing – the stairstep OXO shelf for canned goods, the lazy susans, the sliding metal drawer (those are my favorite! so sturdy, and stackable). We had shelving like that in our master bedroom, and it was a BEAR to paint, especially in those recessed corners.
Really scary about your blog getting hacked with a plugin! I don’t use any plugins, but I’m sure bloggers would love to know what plugin it was that caused your issue! Glad you were able to recover, Kathryn. I’d definitely been wondering where you were, thinking perhaps you were moving again!!
OMGosh, Rita you are too funny! No move in the near future. However, one day we would like to build our dream home. Anyhoo, thank you for stopping by. My pantry would not be functional at all without any of the organizational tools. Hope you’re have a lovely start to the week!
I love a great pantry refresh. It looks so fresh and organized!
Thanks so much, Heather!
Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn
Thanks so much, Marilyn! Hope you have a grand week!
I love a good pantry refresh. Your spice jars are really cute. Thank you for sharing at #omhgww.
Thanks so much, Clearissa! Hope you’re having a great week!
Can you tell me the dimensions of your pantry. Wanting to do mine over but it is small. Hope it is no smaller than yours so I can copy.
Hi Vicky! The dimensions of the pantry are 31in. depth, 52in. wide. There are 5 shelves on 2 walls. Hope that helps. Good luck with your pantry organization!
Wow, it looks really great. I have been in the process of reorganizing our pantry, but I’m not the best at it, so I appreciate your ideas. I don’t know why I’ve never thought to put a lazy Susan in there, but now you have inspired me. In our previous home, I was able to put wire shelves on the inside of the door, but in our current one, the pantry has folding doors, so I lose that space. (I’d change the door, but there’s not enough room.) Thanks so much for sharing at the TFT party!
Pam, I’m so glad you like the Lazy Susan idea! It definitely is a space saver. Happy Organizing!
This looks fab. Isn’t it a shame when you make a space beautiful but it is so hard to photograph it to show off how nice it is IRL! It’s funny because just a few minutes ago I was refilling my Bicarb of soda and Baking powder into the exact same cute little jars that you’ve used here for all your spices etc. Great minds think alike!
This is so great! I wish my family could keep it looking this way for more than a day. Thanks for sharing on SSPS, hope to see you again next week.
What an amazing job, Love the containers (glass and plastic) you used.
Thank you for sharing your various links with us at #274 SSPS Linky. Hope to see you again next week.
Looks great! I admire organized people. My pantry is more functional than beautiful, and I know it can be both.
Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop!
Thanks for sharing with us, I’m featuring you this week when the next To Grandma’s house we go link party starts!