Hello World! Welcome Friends! Hey, you! Yes, you! Do you want to destroy your house? It’s easy really. You don’t even need wildfire to do it. Seriously, Cersei used it to destroy the Sept of Baelor, but you don’t have to. You have something much stronger on your side. That’s right, you’ve guessed it ‒ you have time and laziness. Nothing will ruin your house better than that, that’s guaranteed!
Let’s take a look at all the best ways to ruin your house so much that even trash pandas will start to avoid it.
Forget about the attic
Houses are usually built from the ground up, but hey, we’re here to tell you how to destroy your home, not how to build it, so let’s start with the attic.
Pests can slowly but surely lay waste to your home. Scary creatures, like bats and wasps, can build nests in an attic, destroy framing or even eat the wires. So, please, avoid your attic at all times, don’t even think about installing secure vents and protecting crawl spaces with hardware cloth to keep them away.
Play with your home’s electrical system
Your home’s electrical system is just a toy and you should definitely play with it, especially when something goes wrong. Don’t let the lack of education about the subject or not having proper tools to do it stop you! It’s your home, right? That means that you can do whatever you want. Fix all that you can; you’re an adult, you know what’s best!
Seriously though, don’t ever think about playing with electricity. You might do something that you don’t want to and burn the house. That means that you might end up living on the street, or even worse, in your parents’ basement again.
Play with your pipes
You’ve watched thousands of DIY plumbing videos on YouTube, and you’ve played Super Mario, right? Well, that makes you a plumber then. Don’t even bother contacting the experts for clogged pipes, be manly, be a man’s man. Roll up your sleeves, mix up the chemicals and start experimenting.
Remember when you helped your uncle to clean his clogged pipes in Halls Creek? Well, your blocked drains in Alexandria are exactly the same. On a more serious note – always call the professionals to clean your clogged drains and pipes.
If store-bought drain cleaner did not do its job, do not hesitate to call for help. Utilizing professional drain cleaning services will save you time, money, and a huge headache in the long run. It’s better to let an educated worker deal with the problem than to do it yourself and make a swimming pool in the living room.
Forget about your basement
Your basement is below you, and you don’t have to even think about it. You’re above that (pun intended).
Most problems that you can see in your basement are actually not caused by faulty foundations. Rainwater is what’s destroying them. You can, of course, try to fill all the holes in the wall with old sponges and comic books, or you can do the right thing and call the professionals to repair your wet basement.
Don’t be a hero, be a coward
Being handy and fixing a couple of things here and there in your house is expected, and that’s something to be proud of. However, don’t let that stop you from asking for help when you really need it. No one is truly Mr. or Mrs. Fix-it, and no one has to be.
Don’t neglect your home, keep it clean and do what you can to make it stay in a perfect condition, but always trust the professionals with the things you don’t know how to do yourself. Your life is worth far more than a couple of loose wires or a clogged drain.
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Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Oh my gosh girl, this had me cracking up! Too Funny… I’m quite the electrical ninja and am surprised I haven’t burnt the house down!
LOL. I get completely freaked out when my husband decides he wants to mess with our electrical system. Thanks for stopping by!
Not touching electrical! That is for sure.
We did recently discover that when our house was built abt 9 years ago that the plumber guy/s did not support a long pvc drain pipe from our washing machine. It drooped. And drooped some more. He said who ever the plumber was that installed it should be the one paying the bill…. We noticed that water had slowed down. At least if the pipe had broken in the unfinished basement we could have gotten the water out. But still…ha ha. He was a professional.
I called the fire dept because I thought I had an attic fire two years ago. Turned out it was a motor of some sort in the furnace that decided to break down on a super cold day. No fire…but it sure smelled like one. I am a nervous Nelly when it comes to electrical.
Oh, my word! Thank goodness you noticed the water slowing down. You definitely adverted disaster. Thanks for stopping by. Happy week to you!