Hello World! Welcome Friends! Mr. Dedicated and I have been chatting about some things we want to get done in and around the house. Some of the projects would be new windows, plantation shutters upstairs, and more tree removal. Remember we had two trees removed and 4 trees trimmed the day we moved in.
See the big magnolias that flanked the house? Those were the first two trees that needed to go. The branches were hitting the windows on the second floor.
The pine trees also got trimmed.
So much better. You can now see the house. Our tree trimmer guys were so great and reasonably priced. I was very pleased with their service. When we lived in California, our condo was surrounded by trees which were maintained by the property management. The trees surrounding our property were stunning all due to proper trimming and maintenance. The tree service that maintained the property was top notch and left a great impression on my mind on how trees should be maintained.
Now for the next tree project. See the tree behind the waterfall? Well, that tree has gotten out of control and is pushing the back fence down. And, we have a palm tree that has had a growth spurt.
See the palm? This picture was taken awhile ago, but believe me when I tell you that palm is getting huge.
We are thinking of clearing out the entire area behind the rock fountain. That would mean removing both the tree and the palm and having the fence replaced. And, probably remove all of the foliage surrounding the rocks. That spot behind the rocks is a breeding ground for mosquitos. We’ve had two summers of getting mosquito bitten anytime you float close to the rocks. But, I’m not sure what to do with the area once we have cleared the space out.
So, I’m opening it up to you guys. What do you think I should plant behind the rocks? Or, do I have just a clean space behind? Let me know your thoughts pretty please.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful day/night depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!
Here’s 2 cents from me. Leave the gorgeous tree, clear out the rest but the rocks and add more rocks to make it an Alpine rock garden. Grow some low water plants in the rocks, which should get rid of the bugs. Love your back yard!
That’s a wonderful idea! Thank you for throwing your two cents in! It is greatly appreciated! Have a lovely Thanksgiving.
I like the idea of leaving the tree too. I think if you take out some of the plants it will give you a cleaner look. Beautiful space! Have fun with your project.
Thank you, Sarah for the input! Have a wonderful week!
I can’t tell…is that a Vitex or a Crepe Myrtle? I’d leave it either way, if possible. Maybe trim it up and clear out around it and see what you think then.
The tree is a Erythrina crista-galli – a coral tree that is native to Brazil. It is quite lovely when it blooms, however her roots are very aggressive. It has grown under the back fence and has produced a tree in our back neighbors yard. We are concerned that the roots may have done damage to the gas line and the water lines for the pool. We are going to try to save her if she isn’t posing a threat to the lines. Thanks for popping in! Happy Sunday!