Hello World! It’s time for Before & After Wednesday! A place to share all of your diy projects! I’m looking forward to seeing what you have been up to. I hope you had a chance to check out the features at The Round-Up from last week’s party. If you missed them, the link will be provided below.
Welcome to Week 76 of:
Star Feature
Thirty Eight Street shared this gorgeous highboy transformation giving it a coastal and weathered look. You must stop by to check out the before and more beautiful afters. Carrie, grab your feature button below.
Party Guidelines:
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
The Round-Up from B&A Wednesday
The Sunday Showcase from MIP Monday
I’m debating about putting the Before & After Wednesday party as well as the Anything Blue Friday party on hold for the Summer. I would love to hear what you think. I have several projects upstairs that I want to get finished before we hit the Fall and start back to school. Plus, I want to spend as much time with Little Dedicated as possible. So, leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Have a great day/evening depending on where you are in the world! Go with God and remember to be kind to one another! Enjoy the party!

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No before/after projects this week so gives me time to browse others’ awesomeness! Thanks for hosting.
You have wonderful posts. However, the summer goes by way too fast and your darling little will be older too soon…….you will be doing enough with one weekly blog post ( in my grandmother opinion.
I linked. I’m following you and getting your emails. Thanks for the party. I hope you can come over and visit.
Take the break, enjoy the summer and plan on down time and fun time with your sweet little.