Hello World! As you can see the site has been redesigned as well as moved from Blogger to Self-Hosted WordPress. I have struggled with the idea of moving to WordPress from Blogger for years. When I started blogging back in 2011, I certainly did not go into blogging with the intentions of doing anything more than just having a place to share all of my home decor projects and recipes. Then the unthinkable happened, my blog started to grow. I was shocked that anyone other than my Mom and sister would read my blog. The Dedicated House started to find her legs like a little baby lamb. She was wobbly but had a lot of energy. She grew as the house projects were completed. There were several times I wanted to quit, but God wouldn’t let me. You see I didn’t want to start a blog back in 2011. In the summer of 2010 I miscarried our second child. We were heartbroken. It was such a strange time in my life. I felt unanchored even though I had Mr. Dedicated and Little Dedicated to take care of. So, as usual with my relationship with God, He started chewing on me a bit. He wanted me to start a blog. Oh, there was no way I was going to start a blog. This was in the Fall of 2010. But, He just kept nudging me in His sweet way. Fast forward to the summer of 2011, I was out on a walk early in the morning before Mr. Dedicated headed off for work, and the Lord told me again to start a blog. This time instead of answering Him, I told Him the following excuses:
I have no time.
I have no desire to do this.
Why should I do this?
What the heck am I going to blog about?
He answered me very quickly: “I will open time up for you. I will give you a desire. Because I asked you to start a blog. Your home decor projects.”
Well, there it was. I couldn’t really argue with Him anymore. However, I didn’t start it right away. I had one more question, “What do I name it?” I’m not really gifted in the area of catchy titles or names. I’m a pretty straightforward person who has tendencies towards being silly and just plain goofy. I’m only witty just some of the time. Ask Mr. Dedicated. If you need a friend, I’m your gal. I’m dependable and can be counted on. However, I do have a feisty, crazy streak and never met a dare I didn’t consider long and hard. Sometimes, my mouth does get me in trouble, but I’ve learned to shut it more often than not as I’ve gotten older. When I love, I’m all in! I’m either black or white. You know what you get with me. I am sometimes loyal to a fault. But, I was stuck. What do I call this thing?
Mid June 2011 I went to bed throwing names for the blog around in my head. Nothing seemed to fit. I told God, “Well, this was your idea, Sir; so you better tell me the name.” Nothing. I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up and said out loud before I said anything else, “The Dedicated House”. There it was. The name. Now I just had to start. Off to Blogger I went.
So, I had a blog on Blogger. She grew. She was fun. She was a lot of hard work. She was sweet. She was well received. She was frustrating at times. She got tired. She needed to rest. She was happy. She was purposeful. She was loved. She needed to take a leap of faith.
Early in 2013 every time I heard of another blogger moving from Blogger to WordPress, I felt like I was being left out. Like all of my girlfriends were moving away. I felt the tug then to move to Self-Hosted WordPress, but did I listen? Oh, but no! Instead I had my blog redesigned. I went with the blue/white/gold theme. I loved my new look and my little blog thrived.
My little blog has grown and has provided some additional income that we have used to pay for vacation, Christmas and furniture. So, here we are in 2016 and I hear His voice again. “You need to move to Self-Hosted WordPress.” My question, “Why?” His answer, “I want you to own your blog and to trust me.” So, I began the process of moving from Blogger to WordPress.
Restored 316 Designs did my migration and redesigned my site. I wanted the site to be user friendly, have specific pages of interest and of course be pretty! Other than all of the pretties that you see, I think the biggest change are the boxes you see below. These are my category boxes; and once I relabel 1000+ posts, these categories will fill up.
In the next couple of weeks I will continue to clean up all of my posts. I hope you enjoy poking around the site. And, I do hope you enjoyed hearing my journey! Let me know what you think.
Click the links below for any posts you may have missed:
The Sunday Showcase from MIP Monday
Have a lovely evening. Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!

Between Naps on the Porch, Stone Gable, Home Stories A to Z, Cozy Little House, A Stroll Thru Life, Savvy Southern Style, Just a Girl and Her Blog, DIY by Design, No Minimalist Here, From my Front Porch to Yours, Christman’s Creations, The Charm of Home, French Country Cottage, DesignThusiasm, Bygone Vintage, Bluesky Kitchen, Poofing the Pillows, Celebrate & Decorate, LouLou Girls, My Thrift Store Addiction, Remodelaholic.
God will always lead you in the right direction!!!!! Love your blog!
Thank you, Anita for the kind words! Have a lovely week.
Amen to what Anita said! Good luck and God Bless Kathryn!
Thank you, sweet Vel! Have a lovely week.
Kathryn, I have always enjoyed your posts and parties. Now that you have shared some of your personal struggles, you are much more real. Every one of us struggles — and sometimes endure crushing moments. Often we continue on in silence, with a smile on our faces. By courageously giving a glimpse into your soul, I have greater respect for you.
Thank you so much, Ann Marie! I feel so honored to share my heart and life with such lovely people.
It’s so pretty! I’m also on blogger and been tying with moving to self hosted wordpress sooner than later! Glad to see it worked so well for you! Congrats! Fellow Frenchy here (my nickname and my heritage…my mom was born there!) Best of luck!
Colette, it you make the jump, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how user friendly it is. Thank you for stopping by!
Kathryn your redesign looks fabulous and you truly shared some wise words. I would love for you to share this gem of a post on Thoughts of Home on Thursday.
Thank you so much, Laura! I’ll be there on Thursday!
Kathryn, insightful post and wonderful to get to know a little more about you ~ thank you for sharing @Vintage Charm!
Awe, thank you, Cecilia for taking time to read it! Have a lovely weekend!
I totally teared up reading this. I feel like i’m going through the same thing. i’m super frustrated right at the moment but I’m being pulled back to it time after time. I know if I push through things will work out. Thanks for letting me know I’m not the only one.
Awe, that touches my heart! When the time is right, take that leap of faith! You’ll be glad you did!! Have a lovely weekend.
It’s all looking good, you’ll find a million little things to change and tweak but if this is the right time for you then it is the right time. Trust and obey.
Thank you, Julie for the kind words. I’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback about the change! Have a lovely weekend.
Love your new design! I’m already on WordPress but considering a redesign right now from 316…
They have such great ones!! Good luck in your new digs!
Thanks so much, Lory!