Make it Pretty Monday
Pretty Poppy has her foyer all prettied up with some Spring greens. To view all of the details, pop on over to With a Dash of Color.
Pretty Alexis shared this cute craft perfect for teacher appreciation gifts. Head on over to Mom 2 My Crazy 2 to get your craft on.
Pretty Jody picked up this adorable chubby pig while out on her shopping rounds. I think I may need to be on the lookout for a cutie like this one after we move and get settled. To see more of Mr. Piggy, scooch on over to
Southern Seazons.
Pretty Darrielle has done it again! This time with this pretty mustard yellow dresser. Adore! Walk on over to D.D.’s Cottage and Design to view this lovely.
Pretty Allie shared her pretty friend Ginger’s Red, White, and Blue pillow. I wish I was in my new house so I could decorate for the 4th of July. Zip on over to Crafty Allie to check it out.
Pretty Rachel shared her Brazilian Chicken Pie to kick off World Cup Soccer. This sounds delectable. Dash on over to Online Sisterhood to get the recipe.
Pretty Dana brought these super yummy looking Strawberry Cupcakes with Funfetti Frosting to the party. Cute and delicious! Scoot on over to
This Silly Girl’s Life to get the recipe.
Pretty Suzanne shows us how to get the aged look on clay paints with paint. Run on over to Simply Suzanne’s to check out the tutorial.
Pretty Holly has a perfectly Patriotic spread for us. How can you not love red, white, and blue? Love. Make a call on Pink Fortitude to see this festive spread.
Pretty Mary Alice has a great post all about decorating with books. Such fabulous ideas and a gorgeous post. Book it on over to Chateau Chic for a pretty read. (Puns completely intended…feel free to groan. lol)
Pretty Shenita has her front porch spruced up for the summer. I love the ferns in the back and the layered look as the planters step down in size. Stroll on over to Embellishments by SLR.
Here are a few guidelines to follow:
Click the links below for any features, or posts you may have missed:
The Sunday Showcase from MIP Monday
Staging the Entryway, Voice Studio, and Dining Room
The Round-Up from B&A Wednesday
Have a lovely day and remember to be kind to one another! Joy to the Full!
Hang in there! It will be over soon and you can let someone else do all the work this July 4. Thanks for hosting in the midst of chaos.
Moving definitely is not for sissies – been there many times.
Thanks for hosting.
Have a great week.
Thank you for featuring my little piggy. I love your parties and I can't wait to see your new house.
Thanks so much for hosting the party! Hope you have a great week!
Thank you for the party, Kathryn !
Thanks for hosting again!
Dear Kathryn,
Thank you so much for the lovely feature. You made my morning!
And another big thanks for hosting another fun and inspirational party.
Have a great week,
Hi Kathryn – Good luck with the packing and move… and then the unpacking and decorating and oh joy you will have quite the fun summer ahead! Thank you so much for the feature of the Patriotic Tablescape and party – you are so sweet! Hugs, Holly
I have been away for a bit, but so happy to be back! Hope the last of the moving goes really fast for you! I am in love with that Spring Mantel, makes me think I need to do something around here! Thanks for hosting! -Karen
Thank you so much for the lovely feature! Always appreciate you hosting this fun party each week.
Mary Alice
Thanks so much for the party!!
Hi Kathryn! Hang in there!!! Soon it will be a memory
Thank you for your super fun party! Julia
I hope you and the spray-painter have fun together!! Happy week to you!!!
hugs x, Crystelle
Crystelle Boutique
Thank you for hosting another lovely party while you must be so busy! Have a great week!
I wish you luck with the moving and painting! Thanks for the feature of my yellow dresser.
Thank you so very much for the feature–lovely surprise this afternoon (even in the midst of your move). Thanks also for hosting. Moving is stressful. I always tell my husband I feel so stressed when my life is in boxes:) It will be over soon and you can focus on getting everything in place! Have a wonderful week….
thank you so much for hosting!
Emily- Our house now a home
I'm so happy to be joining in today! Thanks for the fun! Hugs, Diane
Soon enough you will be unpacking, Kathryn
Thanks for hosting the party!
Hi Kathryn,
Have you posted any pics of the new house? I'd love to see them! Thanks for hosting and happy painting!
Wonderful features! Thank you so much for hosting dear Kathryn… you are the hostess with the mostess!
Have a great week.
Thank you so much for the party!
Love & hugs;)
I'm loving your party. Thanks for hosting. Please come and party with us tonight at 7 pm. Hugs! Lou Lou Girls
Kathryn, thank you again for your hosting while living a life so crazy and upside down – gettin' 'er done! I'm excited to join this party and your other Blue party with another post this week (my container flowers here could maybe pass for blue also).
Always fun to be here, and joining in is even better.
Thank you Kathryn! Please tell me you are not painting your whole new house by yourself! I could never tackle that! Don't wear yourself out
You are so darn sweet! Thank you so much for featuring the card and hosting. I love to find new things each week!
I always LOVE the features you choose! Thanks for hosting! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
THanks for hosting Kathryn!
Thank you so much for hosting. Have a great week. Tina
Thanks for hosting Kathryn. Good luck with your move.
Thanks for the great features & for hosting & God bless!
Kathryn, thanks so much for featuring my front porch; and for hosting each week! Always glad to link up! Have a great week!
Love features. I'll enjoy visiting the links this week. Maybe one do I'll join.
Have a good week,
Always love your features, Kathryn. Hope your closing, and wrapping it all up in the next few weeks goes smoothly. Then the real fun begins! Have a wonderful week.
Thanks for hosting agane!
Thank you for a lovely party!
Hi Kathryn,
I fashionably late to the party LOL! Thank you for hosting.
Have a sweet day…Elizabeth
PS~I feel your pain on packing I thought I would never get done and than unpacking was crazy! I'm still going through things.
thanks for hosting!
Thank you for hosting!
I didn't know you found a house! That's awesome!
What a sweet surprise, Kathryn! Thanks for the feature! I appreciate it! Happy Week!~hugs, Poppy
Thanks you so much for featuring the Pillow! Ginger will be so excited!