Yes, that’s correct. We will be putting our house on the market in the Summer.
The third pile is for the storage unit. We rented a 10×10 unit since we won’t be putting any furniture in it. Basically it is for boxes and the odd items that don’t really fit in boxes. And, the last pile, of course is a trash pile.

This shot is looking in from the hallway. Full of stuff!

I have so many pillows that I intend on recovering. For now, they are heading to the storage unit.

The Bissell Wet Vacuum will go into the closet as well as the iron. However, the closets are full of Christmas decorations and baby clothes I will be going through. The Christmas decor will head to the storage unit.

The table extension leaning up against the wall will go in the closet as well. Through the door you can see the laundry room.

This is the entertainment center that used to be in the Family Room. This sucker is 100% solid wood and is heavy! After I paint that little section, Mr. Dedicated and I will try to scooch that pretty beast over so I can get to the rest of the wall. I have plans to eventually put a back on it and fit it out with shelves to have some additional storage.

I couldn’t resist a cute shot of sweet Cozi looking out the window. The curtains will be coming down as well. I plan on using the fabric to make big throw pillows for Little Dedicated’s playroom once we get in the new house.

Here is a current shot of my storage pile. The hamper is full of pillows.
So, as you can see it is a lot of work. It’s awesome to take my time and go through everything and make a decision on whether to keep, donate, sell or trash.
We haven’t looked aggressively at new houses yet. We have toured one that is much bigger and would suit our needs, but there is no need to pull the trigger yet or to secure a company for interstate moves.
It’s exciting and challenging all at the same time! How funny, the blog moved and now we will be moving in the near future.
Expect to see more posts as I go through each room and get it ready for the market. Expect to see mess and more paint…however, a little more subdued in color nature.
Okay, I need to get to work! Click the link below to head to the first moving post:
Click the titles below for any parties or feature posts you might have missed:
Anything Blue Friday
Before and After Wednesday
The Round-Up from B&A Wednesday
Thank you for popping in to take a look at my mess! LOL! Have a beautiful day/night depending on where you are in the world. Go with God and remember to be kind to one another!

I'm with you, Kathryn, taking the 40 bags in 40 days challenge. While that doesn't seem nearly as daunting as your task at hand, my office certainly looks pretty darn close to what yours is right now, lol. I'm letting go of things way past their time, and feeling really good about the purging. Best wishes for finding that next step before your dream home!
Rita C at Panoply
Thanks so much, Rita! Actually I'm enjoying the process. I love getting rid of stuff! Best wishes on your quest! Toodles, Kathryn
I love the paint color. What brand and shade is it?
Hi Shirley! It is Shabby Chic by Benjamin Moore. Thanks for popping in to take a look. Toodles, Kathryn
I love the paint color. What brand and shade is it?
Looks like a big job but with a new home in the future it will be worth it!
It looks like a lot of work but so worth it in the end.
Good luck, Kathryn, on cleaning out & then selling your home! It has been 2 1/2 years since we went through that process, and we survived, but I don't want to do it again for quite some time!
Would you believe I am in the exact same staging prep as you! I have access to a rented CLIMATE CONTROLLED storage unit tomorrow. I have been sorting for months now. Planning to forego replacing the carpet and give an allowance to the buyer. Hope to place the FOR SALE sign in the front yard next week. Wishing us both lots of luck!!! Keep us posted every step of the way.
Good Luck to you Kathryn! As a home stager I know how hard it is for people to declutter and minimalize their home. But it is the first step!
Great post and super advice. Good Luck on selling . Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.
Great tips!! Thanks for sharing.
Stopping by from Lou Lou's link up!
Ashley @ LeavingTheRut.com
HI there! Well, I have to say you have a good start. We moved a year and a halk ago. We were in the last house for 39 years, we have been married for 46! We had TONS of stuff to get rid of! First we rebted a dumpster and FILLED it, I mean PACKED it tight! Then we got a POD and packed IT for storage, that was fabulous cause it sat in our driveway for a week so we could fill it, then they came and got it and took it to the storage place til we moved!!!! No running back and forth to a storage unit. I HIGHLY recommend this. Best of luck with your packing and house hunting!!!
That is all a lot of hard work….. Looks like you are doing well. Thank you for posting this.
I hate to paint but it is so worth it when your done! It will look amazing. Pinned! Thanks for stopping by our party. I hope to see you next Tuesday. It is so fun to see what you have been working on. Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls
Even with all the stuff, I can still tell you have a gorgeous home!! I hate painting as well, but luckily my walls aren't quite so overwhelming. thanks for the post!!
That's a big job, but you are so well organized! And sounds like you have a good plan to make your way to the dream home!
I remember what it was like when we prepared our house for the market and what it's like to live in your dream home – all the best to you!!! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
Wow and I thought I had a lot of stuff in my craft room! I bet it will look totally awesome when you are done
Good luck!!
Thank you so much Kathryn for the great tips on staging a home for selling. That is in our near future (though that hasn't been shared with all of our friends yet) and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that I have to do to get ready. Your post helped me make the decision to stop doing all of the little touch-ups around the house and move some things into a storage unit first. Making room will make touch-ups easier and I like the idea of having things ready to go into the moving van! Blessings to you dear lady,
Congrats! You were featured on Friday’s Five Features over on DIY Vintage Chic. Stop by and grab yourself a button! http://diy-vintage-chic.blogspot.com/2014/05/fridays-five-features-no-39.html